Chapter 31

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Back to Lucy's POV 

I get woken up by the feel of someone stroking my hair, my eyes fling open to see my Australian girlfriend smiling down at me. " hey" she smiles. The daylight is too bright for my eyes so I pull the duvet over my head making Rhea chuckle " not ready to get up yet?" she laughs " no" is all I say.  I feel her move off the bed and the pain in my head is too much the bare so, I feel back to sleep. 

I wake up to a swirling feeling in my stomach  oh no I thought as I climb out of bed and run to the ensuite bathroom and put my head over the toilet and throw up, moments later I feel my girlfriends hands  rub my back helping me bring all the Jack Daniel's I drunk. " better out than in" I hear her laugh, I sit with my back against the wall and wipe my mouth with some tissue  " shut  up" I laugh. Rhea hands me a glass of water , I thank her and take a few small sips. " how you feeling?" she looks at me softy " like the undertaker has tombstoned me on some steel steps" I say and she chuckles  " you scared the shit out of me yesterday" she looks at me sadly " I'm sorry" I say looking at my hands " I just want you to know you can talk to me you know,   like we both stated before, we are here for the good times and the bad" she says sitting  with her back against the shower door.  " I know, I just felt numb yesterday and didn't know how to cope" I say scared to look Rhea. Rhea moves over and pulls me into a hug." I get that" she softly said. We stay in silence for a moment " right shower yesterday away and you need to call Paul, he isn't happy with you" Rhea says standing up, I nod and reach for her helping hand and stand up and Rhea walks out to leave me to shower. 

After the shower and dressing in yoga shorts and a Bray Wyatt top, I take a deep breath and press the call button on my phone. After a few rings a deep voice answers the phone " hello". I take another deep breath "hey Paul, I was told to call you" I let a small chuckle out probably for nerves. " ah yes, how you doing Lucy?" he asked with softness in his voice " better than yesterday, even with this raging hangover" I giggle, Paul lets out a small chuckle " I'm glad your feeling better, I just wanted to have a quick conversation with you about yesterday. I understand that it was hard for you, with that being said it is unprofessional to not turn up to a shift without informing us" he speaks " I know, I'm sorry. As I said to Rhea I just felt numb, I wasn't thinking and I just wanted the day to end." I explain to my boss " again I totally get that, look me and Steph have been very lenient with you considering what you have been through but there's a limit, you know us well enough that if you just called or even a text to say you wasn't coming in would have been fine. As well as running off and going missing for a whole day had everyone sick with worry, especially Demi. We all care about you Lucy and we were all frightened." Paul says in a soft voice, showing more of the father in him then my boss " I know, all I can do is apologies and work on myself and promise it won't happen again" I say " it's okay, all is forgotten about but I do want to put something passed you whilst I got you" he says " sure what is it" curiosity building inside of me. " we have an 18 year old girl called Ellie wanting to start work experience here within the social media setting, I was hoping you can kind of bring her under your wing and guide her?" Paul questions "  erm, yeah sure. When does she start?" I ask "well I was going to start her tomorrow but if you need more time I can bring it back" he informs me " oh no, tomorrow is fine" I smile like he can see me through the phone. " brilliant, thanks Lucy. I will see you tomorrow" he says and with that the phone line goes dead. 

I walk out of the bedroom in search of my Australian lover, I notice the front door is open, I walk towards it to see that Rhea is cleaning her car. Rhea is just in some sports shorts and a sports bra, " god damn, only you could make washing a car look so sexy" I laughing sitting on a step. She looks at me and laughs " I wouldn't have to clean it if someone didn't fucking puke all over the passenger seat" she rolls her eyes  " I never" I laugh " oh you did" she chuckles walking towards me. Rhea sits next to me, I rest my head on the taller women's shoulder as we watch Barry explore the new driveway. The gate to our driveway is shut so we don't really have to worry about him going too far. "how you feeling" Rhea asked kissing the top of my head which makes me smile " better" I smile at her " did you call Paul" she says throwing a ball for Barry to chase " I did" I simply " how did that go" she faces me " better than it should have but now I have to look after a girl who's on work experience" I let out a light chuckle " I love that for you" she chuckles. " guess the first thing we are going to do" I smile " what?" she raise an eyebrow " annoy you" I laugh and Rhea just rolls her eyes.

Rhea finishes washing the car and then we go inside and chill and watch shit tv, we ordered food because we're both feeling lazy. Once we have eaten I decide to get a spare blanket and wrap myself in it, Rhea this it's funny and takes a picture of me and posted it on her instagram story and captioned it hungover much?😂 @ lucyrotunda. I laughed at the photo and shared it to my insta story. Barry then comes and sits on my lay so I wrap the blanket around him too, I take a selfie of us and put it on my insta story with the caption depresso gang🤙. "oi my dog does not have depression" she laughs, I just laugh and we carry on watching tv. After a few more hours then we go to bed. 

I cuddle up to Rhea by laying my head on her chest and she automatically puts arm around me.

"thank you" I say. Even though I can't see her face I know she's looking at me confusedly. 

" for what?" she says confusion evident in her voice.

" for not giving up on me" I whisper 

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