Chapter 59

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I wake up to the heaviness of my bladder and my huge bump that has now formed, I move Rhea off me gently and use the bathroom. I also feel very hungry and just want to demolish a cucumber, yes my cravings have been cucumber and salt. I make my way to the kitchen and open the fridge and cut up some cucumber and sprinkle a little salt on it and sit at the kitchen bar on my phone eating. it's not until I'm scrolling through tiktok I see that its 04:43am. I jump when the kitchen light turns on and Rhea is just standing by the doorway laughing " what" I say with my mouthful making her laugh even more " I thought I'd find you here" she chuckles and I just shrug " want some" I offer " no thank you" she smiles " you should sleep, you have work tomorrow" I say as she sits now next to me. " it's okay, I just have to go in the ring and tell everyone I'm leaving for a while. I'm not wrestling" she says. We go back to bed after I finish eating and Rhea places a kiss on my bump and the baby kicks " oh my god" Rhea chuckles " just got kicked in the face" I laugh Rhea the blows a raspberry on my bump and the baby goes wild. I get my phone and start to record and Rhea does it again and it feels like the baby is doing backflips but it's making us laugh. 

We manage to get some more sleep before the alarm wakes us up and we get ready to head to the arena. I walk into catering trying my best to hide my bump with one of Braun's hoodies. To be honest I'm surprised that no one has noticed, or if they have they haven't said anything. 

I sitting in catering with Bayley, Bianca, Seth, montez, Ellie, Alexa and the judgement day. We watch as Rhea walks down to the ring holding Becky's money in the bank briefcase. What surprises everyone is that her hair is down and soft, she has no makeup on and she's in her everyday clothes. The group look over at me and I just shrug. Rhea walks over and  grabs a mic, " Becky, I know you're wondering why I have your briefcase" she says laying it on the table in front of her. " I heard your pissed and looking for me, so here I am. Becky please come down so I can explain" Rhea says and I know this isn't Rhea speaking, this is Demi and judging by the way everyone is looking at me, so do they. Becky's music hits and Becky walks down to the ring angrily, she grabs a mic and begins to talk. " your damn right I'm pissed you took what's mine and I know why Rhea, you're scared, you're scared of me and you're scared of losing the women's world title because you know you will lose everything. You will lose the respect of this guys" Becky points to the crowd and continues " you will lose respect of the judgment day and you will lose respect of your loser boyfriend Dominik" the crowd boo's at his name. " Becky please let me explain, your win last night at money means way more than you think, more than you could ever imagine" Rhea says she puts the mic on the table and opens the briefcase and the belt glows. Becky looks at Rhea confused. Rhea picks up the mic again " Becky you don't have to cash in on me, last night the money in the bank ladder match you won, it was for the championship" she says and her voice brakes. " why is she giving up her championship, is she okay?"Dom asked " she's fine" I smile. Rhea picks up the belt, takes a deep breath and looks at her belt one more time before handing it over to Becky. Becky looks at Rhea confusedly as she takes the belt " it's really mine?" she says and Rhea just nods yes. Becky the celebrates they only way Becky knows how and that's confident and cocky, she jumps on the top ropes holding up the belt and she even gets out of the ring and climbs on the announce table showing off the championship. Rhea is just laughing at her, Becky then grabs a mic " you know to hand over the championship to the man, it saves you the embarrassment of me kicking your ass" Becky laughs, Rhea then grabs a mic " Becky you have carried the women's division for many years, and I knew what the match last night was for and I'm so glad you won it because, now I can leave knowing that my women's world championship is in safe hands" Rhea voice brakes again and Becky looks at Rhea confused " your leaving?" Becky mouths and the crowd boo's. " okay Lucy, you need to tell me what the fuck is happening" Dom says and I just giggle " she's not leaving for good" I say " why is she taking a break?" Damian asked " you'll find out" I giggle and I feel everyone looking at me annoyed. " Becky you go and carry the women's division like you always have done, go and be the champion, I'm gonna go and be a mother, but best believe when I'm back, I'm reclaiming that back" Rhea says pointing to the gold belt resting on Becky's shoulder. Becky is in total shock and pulls Rhea in for a hug " Lucy's pregnant?" we hear Becky say and Rhea nods and wipes her tear " oh my god, congrates" Becky says. The cameraman is right next to them so you can hear what they are saying without a mic. I'm playing with my wedding ring knowing everyone is looking at me and when I look up, I was right. " Lucy, the fuck?" Alexa says " I'm basically eight months" I say and my voice is shaky and I can't make eye contact with anyone " but you would be ready to pop?" Seth says. I sigh and remove my jumper exposing my huge bump " how the fuck did we not know" Fin says in disbelief "we hid it well" I chuckle " is that what the oversized jumpers have been about and you haven't been in for the longest time" Ellie asked " yeah" I chuckle. " no best friend privilege, why have I just found out?" Alexa says hugging me " tell me about it" Dom rolls his eyes " we wanted honest, real reactions of everyone so we hid it" I explain. They all hug me and feel my bump and I notice Rhea and Becky walk through the curtin , I walk over to them and hug Rhea who is now crying on my shoulder. " hey, remember your not leaving forever" I whisper " I know" she says wipe her eyes and I turn to Becky " congrats champ" I say hugging her , she pulls back and looks at my belly " holy shit, your huge. How did we not notice" she says and I just shrug " what you having" she asked " we don't know we don't want to know until the birth" I explain " are you scared" Bayley asked " I'm shitting it" I chuckle. 

We spend a few hours more at RAW spending time with everyone. We then decide to go out for a meal and have a good time before me and Rhea become parents. No it doesn't mean we will totally ignore the WWE and the fans, we will bring our child to RAW like Becky and Seth brings Roux and Alexa brings Elliot but when the time is right. 


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