Chapter 28

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I was woken up by the kids screaming in excitedment, I hear tiny footsteps running up the stairs and the laughs and screams were getting closer and closer   " auntie Rhea are you jumping on lucy too?" I hear one of the kids say. Great I thought to myself, quickly look around for a place to hide. I quickly get out of bed and hide in the wardrobe waiting for the kids to burst in with Rhea, as I was closing the wardrobe door I see the bedroom door swing open. The kids run in with Rhea following them, they come to a holt and look at the bed confusedly  "where did she go?" Knash says looking up at Rhea, I giggle a bit and Rhea turned her head and saw me through the gap of the doors and she laughs. I watch as Hyire and Knash look for me and as they neared closer to the wardrobe I jump at and grab them making them scream in excitement, I gently send them crashing on to the bed and they lay there laughing. " get her aunty Rhea" Hyire shouts I turn and look at Rhea and shes smriking at me " don't think even thi..." I was cut off by Rhea grabbing me and lifting me up with ease, Rhea throws me on the bed and sits on me  and pining my hands above my head " 1,2,3! " auntie Rhea wins" knash says jumping on the bed. All of a sudden Bella Brauns dogs jumps on the bed and starts licking my face " what the hell, Bella stop" I laugh " Rhea let me go, it's disgusting" I try and move my head but Bella kept getting me. Rhea finally lets go " Jojo made chocolate chip pancakes and Braun wanted to see you before he lift and also we need to go and sort the house out some more" Rhea informs me helping me up. " I'll be down soon I'm just going to shower" I say getting some clean cloths out and a clean towel. Rhea nods and takes the kids down the stairs. 

I walk into the dinning room where everyone is sitting Braun,my dad, Jojo and Rhea were in conversation and the kids were playing with Bella. " look who arose from her bed" Brauns laughs I hug him and sit down in between him and Rhea, Rhea just laughs at me still thinking of earlier and I poke my tongue at her " lovely" she laughs kissing my forehead. " I see you willingly got yourself out of bed" I dad laughed being sarcastic as ever " nope, the promise of chocolate chip pancakes was what done it, oh and your children beating me up"I laugh " I'll make you some" Jojo laughs getting up " no Jojo you don't have too, I can make my own" I  shout after her " I made everyone else some so it's only fair" she smiles at me, I just nod in defeat knowing how stubborn Jojo is especially when it comes to looking after people.   A couple of minutes later Jojo comes back with some pancakes and a cup of coffee for me " your the best" I smile as she hands them to me, "I know" she smiles at me " you're so spoilt" Rhea laughs  " no, I just know my worth" I wink at her as I take a mouthful of pancake making her laugh and shake her head. After I finished eating   " hey so we have to go back house" Rhea says waiting for me to clean my plate " okay, where are you in such a rush to get back?" I ask her looking confused " I'll explain in the car" she simple says before walking out of the kitchen. 

Me and Rhea say goodbye to everyone, as Rhea says bye to Hyire " aunty Rhea are coming back" she asked with hope in her eyes " yeah I'm coming back soon I promise, we and Lucy just have to do some stuff at home" Rhea explains sweetly " yay okay" Hyire says excitedly and hugs Rhea. We leave the house and get into the car with Rhea driving, " aunty Rhea, as a ring to it" I smile at Rhea, she smiles and looks at me for a second " it's cute" she laughs  " so you going to tell me why it's so important to go home?" I turn and face her.  " I have arranged a meeting for someone to have a look at the house so I can sell it" she says facing the road " oh" I simply " yeah, well I don't know about you back I don't feel safe nor comfortable to live in that house again, so I'm going to sell it." she says looking at me for a second and I can see the sadness in her dark blue eyes.  " which is understandable" I say.  The rest of the drive is quite and then we reach the house and there's just this horrible uncomfortable, unsettling feeling and I get what Rhea is saying.  

 We get out of the car and Rhea unlocks the door, it takes about an hour but we give the house a deep clean so it looks presentable for this man who is coming, not that Rhea's house was messy but Liv did some damage and caused a right mess. We sit down on the sofa with a coffee in hand waiting for this man to come, within a few minute's Rhea phones rings and in a few seconds she's up opening the door.  " hey you must be Miss Bennett, I'm Aaron please to meet you" this older man in a grey suit shakes Rheas hand " please call me demi" she smiles and he nods, she lets him in and he locks eyes with me, I stand up " hello I'm Lucy, Rhe...demi's partner." I smile and shake his hand " nice to meet you." he returns my smile. We show Aaron around the house which doesn't take too long, then we sit at the kitchen table so we can discuss some more thing about selling Rhea's house. " so Demi firsty, this house is beautiful" he smiles at Rhea " thank you" she returns his smile "so, let's talk money, I have your contract and everything in front of me and I can see how much you have paid if this home and I can tell you that  you can probably make profit depending if you leave this home furnished or not" he says reading the contract " yeah I'm leaving it furnished, I don't want to take any of it" she says and Aaron nods and writes it down " look without sounding like an ass I don't  really care about how much profit  you can sell it for, as long as I get what I paid for it then I'm okay with that. I just want to know how fast you can sell it and how fast you can help me buy a new home" she tells him and he nods " we can definitely sell this house, I can't say when but I will make it happen for you. In terms of you buying a new home, I can make that happen I just need to know what you are looking for" he explains " something like this but I want a three bed instead of a two bed, I have family in Australia that will visit from time to time" Rhea says and Aaron writes it down. " okay will I will have a look but I will need at least a week minimum to find something for you," he explains, Me and Rhea look at each other knowing we both don't wanna stay here for another night let alone a week " that's fine" Rhea sighs. Aaron nods and gets up and shakes our hands again " I'll be in contact when I find something" he says and he leaves. 

I sit down on the sofa and Rhea cuddles up to me " I don't know about you but I don't want to stay here for a week" she says " I don't either" I say playing with her hair " where do we go though?" she sounds so sad it aches my heart " I can speak to my dad I'm sure him and Jojo wouldn't mind having us until we find somewhere, if you don't wanna stay there I think I still have a room at Alexa's I could ask her, if not a hotel?"  I throw out some ideas " I mean our stuff is at your dads so it'll make sense if we stay there?" she half questions " okay I'll go and talk to him" I get up and go into the garden to ring me dad. 

I come back in and we go back to how we were on the sofa, " my dad said we can stay there for as long as we like" I say letting Rhea rest her head on me "I appreciate it" she says and I just kissed the top of her head. There is a moment of silence before I speak again " so why don't you want to take anything from here?" I ask her " I just want to start fresh, especially now that Liv as gone we can start fresh. I was thinking that maybe we can buy a house together" she says and there's a pause. Rhea lifts her head up and looks at me with panic on her face. " I mean if you want to,  I just thought about it because I remember you saying you saved up most off the money your dad had sent you over the years to buy a house" she says panicked, I cup her face " of course I do" I say and kiss her and I can feel her relax and smile. " babe what about Barry" she began to panic again " his coming to my dads with us" I let out a small chuckle as I see her relax again. 

Me and Rhea go and pick up Barry and head to my heads, we spent the day playing in the garden with Barry and kids, then we just chilled and spent some time looking for our new home.  

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