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In this kind of world nothing can ever be like you expect it to be.

Y/N's pov

On top of the church's roof I stand and look up at the sky as I hear voices all dressed in a white dress.

Just a voice of silence and all barefooted feeling like there is no hope is life anymore.

"Jump and end this pain and misery."The voice echoing in my ears is all I could hear.

I closed my eyes slowly with a little drop of tear coming out of my eye and I finally decide to make my choice.

"Will I finally have my perfect next reincarnation."With a smile of thoughts I decide to jump.

I couldn't see anything and thought this could be my end.

Just as one of my foot slip thru and the next one follow I was pulled back.

I felt myself in someone's arms as I opened my eyes slowly and it was my childhood friend.

"Y/N are you insane!"He said while I saw anger all over his face.

With silence I got up.

"What do you want me to do Jungwon?I failed everyone."I said with more tears dripping out.

He got up as he got closer.

"That doesn't mean you should end your life,you might have failed your parents but that doesn't mean they will disown you."He said trying to convince me.

He put his jacket around me.

"Now let's go and see what they think of you and even if they do abandon you just never end your life and I'll take care of you."He said with his pure smile.

He's the only one who understands and stand by me all the time,no matter how many bad things I have done to him and anyone else.

I put my hand on his cheek.

I put my hand on his cheek

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Yang Jungwon

"You are so precious to me and that's why I think it's better for you to stop being around me,everywhere I go I create problems for everyone."I said with a smile as his expression changed.

"Y/N why are you doing this?"He asked as I began walking away.

"I'm alone now,I got no parents and I just have to lose you too because.."I couldn't finish my words but decided to disappear while he couldn't do anything about it.

It's been a year of my disappearance.

Leaving a horrible life while on the streets acting like a bagger who just can't end her life right here.

I just wanted to see when I would end without intentionally hurting myself for Jungwon's sake.

Seems I was right my parents abandoned me for my sister.

No one came in search of me when I wished they did.

"Was failing my school exam gonna lead me to this kind of life,hell with you world!"I shouted my lungs out.

I felt so hungry trying to not look at the people who are eating while crossing the street.

All I received where coins that got me less Food for a day.

Nothing bad had happened to me yet.

I decided to cross the road at night to go and buy street food at this old man who sold fast food.

I used to hate them but now I do.

While walking with my barefoot I felt weak with hunger but I just had to go and buy.

While crossing the streets I forgot to look side by side and only focused on the fast food.

While walking I didn't realize the car that was coming by when suddenly...

"Beep beep!"


I found myself on the middle of the road with a lot of blood coming out and at that moment I sensed a woman running to me in suit.

That moment I slowly closed my eyes still focused on the fast food man.

I collapsed.

I heard some voices over and over again.

"Am I dead?Is this heaven?"I began questioning myself when I opened my eyes to find myself in this hospital room with the doctor and nurses checking up on me.

"She's alright Mam."The doctor replied as I tried to get myself up.

I just felt weak.

"You should rest for a bit."Said a female voice.

I turned to look who it was.

This woman in suit was standing beside me.

She looked me with a smile as kind and innocent as she looked.

"I'm okay,I want to leave."I said with a Confused face wanting to go back to the place I was found.

The street.

"Do you have any relatives or family?I'll call them and inform them."Said the Doctor.

"I..."I was blanked out the moment I tried saying my father's phone numbers but decided to stay quiet.

"I can leave by my own,I got no one."I said while trying to get off the hospital bed.

I didn't feel I got strength to walk while feeling dizzy with a bandage around my head.

"Miss what are you doing,you have not fully recovered."Said the woman with a worried face.

I looked her as she made me lie down.

"I got no one,nothing with me so why care about me when you have already did what you have to do."I said as she put her hand on mine.

"You remind me of my little sister who is no more and when you got hit by my car I felt so scared."She said.

I decided to close my eyes to rest for a bit hoping she will be gone.

When I woke up she was still by my side.

"Why are you still here?"I asked.

"You said you have no one,I realized you live on the streets and have decided to take you along with me."She said.

"Why take me with you,I'm absolutely fine."I said as she smiled.

I got off the bed feeling much better.

"Go and get yourself dressed in this."She said as I looked up on her.

"Why is she being so kind?"I questioned myself.~

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