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I stopped with the fake laughter and thought of something.

"I wonder what will happen If I show myself at my sister's door,she will act as if she cares about me and asks about my whereabouts...right then I strike."I smirked to myself till I was startled by Chaewon.

"What do you want?"I asked.

"Actually,Can I have that chocolate?"She asked.

"Too bad,Nayeon kept it to herself."I said.

"Ohh."She said looking down.

"You know what,I'll get you another chocolate from Jay,and why did you let him boss you around like that?"I asked.

"Because,maybe he would recognize me."She said.

I kinda felt a bit bad for her.

"I understand your pain,I've been through the same thing in my life."I said.

"Y/N?.."She smiled at me.

"What?"I asked.

"Can you share your story with me,I mean how you even ended up here."She said.

"Why would you want to listen about my story,it's not that lovely,my life was boring."I said.

"Please,being home is boring enough."She said with a smile.

"Well I'll just tell you then,but you have to promise to not tell anyone."I said.

"I promise."She held my hand for a shake but I pulled it away.

"Whatever,I'll tell you when we are in the garden."I said as we both walked out.

"Well...to be honest I'm not fit to live such a life."I said as she seemed confused.

"You mean a maid?"She asked.

"Yeah,I'm actually born in a wealthy family and I have both a father and a mother."I said.

"Wow I envy you."She said.

"I'll be glad to hear you story after mine."I said.

"I'll be glad to tell you."She said.

"I...I guess I was a very happy daughter,mostly the second born in my family and also I was often praised by both my parents for being respectful and mostly just obeying the rules."I said
As we sat down.

"The rules?"She asked.

"Yeah like always be clean,beautiful,show the world that your daddy's girl,I guess the world properly forgot about me I mean I've been missing for 3 years."I said.

"I wish I had a life like yours but well it turned out bad right,what made you to be missing?"She asked.

"Maybe another time,I have something to do."I said.

"Okay,I won't mind waiting."She said as she walked away.

"I have to dress up nicely,who cares about the damn maid outfit."I thought to myself as I walked back to the house.

I took a nice shower.

Then took my phone and my bag as I walked out.

"Where do you think your going?"Asked Nayeon who seemed to be holding some groceries.

"None of your business."I said.

"None of my business?"She asked looking annoyed.

"You heard me right."I said as I passed her.

I knew what I was doing.

I finally got to my destination.

The building was kinda cute.

"I guess the CEO here is cute like the building."I said as I walked in.

They didn't want to let me see the CEO of this building saying that I have no entry card or interview proof.

"Just let me in,I only came here because he said if I want to work with him then I can come."I said.

Just then it was my lucky day I guess when the CEO walked passed.

He saw me and smiled.

"You really cake,come with me to my office then we can talk there."He said.

He really looked bubbly as always.

I walked with him to the office.

"I thought you will call."He said making some coffee.

"Uhm...I was not really in a mood for a call."I said.

"Ahh gotcha."He said with a smile as he took a seat putting two cups of coffee.

"Would you like some coffee?"He asked.

"No,I came here to talk business."I said as I just stood.

"Very well then,take a seat."He said.

I didn't want to seem too arrogant and sat down.

"So your working for me or what?"He asked with a smile.

"Certainly yes,I'll love to experience the luxury."I said with a smile.

He gave me a contact to sign for our deal to be official.

"Before I sign."I said looking at him.

"What?"He asked.

"Make me a model,it's written that your company hires models,artists,singers and poets."I said.

He giggled.

"Well you have the best visuals a company can ask for along with the beautiful smile of yours."He said.

"Hmm and someone told me my smile sucks,I'll make him pay."I thought as I smiled and signed the contract.

I was walking out of the company with a smile since I'm reaching my goal to be close to Jungwon.

I kept asking myself if my goal was to get my revenge or be loved.

When I got back to the mansion I didn't hesitate but began to pack my bags.

Chaewon walked in with a smile.

"Are you finally going to continue?"She asked but then looked at the bag.

"Well,I guess I have to tell you today because tomorrow I'm moving out."I said.

"What?"She seemed surprised.

"It's surprising isn't it,seat next to me...I like you and if I like someone I'll let then know what kind of person I am to see if they like me too."I said as she came to seat.

"So what made you leave home?"She asked.

"My dad was forcing me to get married to one of his friends."I said.

"Really?"She seemed shocked.

"Nah that isn't the main reason,the reason for me to leave was because the one person I liked didn't seem like he wanted to stop the marriage,but instead he was giving me advices,some stupid advices and that made me look foolish to the point that he liked my sister."I said.

Chaewon just looked at me with sad eyes.

"Okay,that's all,Chaewon don't get yourself involved with me,everyone around me seems to not like me and I hope you hate me too because of Jay."I said.

Chaewon didn't even say anything and that made me think I was right.~

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