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While following him I saw that we were entering the wine room.

I looked at the vase we just passed.

"I hope he doesn't recognize that I took one of the bottle."I began biting my nails.

But then we entered.

"Uhm...a wine room Wow...so what are we suppose to do in here?"I asked feeling nervous.

"Well I wanted you to clean this room,it just seems too dusty."He said.

"Wait what...but...at this time?"I asked.

"Why not?"He asked looking at me.

"Well okay then,I didn't know maids work at this hour because it should have been my break of the day."I said.

"Well if you don't want to get fired you would have to and either way you can work as someone else's maid whose not an idol."He said as I gulped.

"And I didn't know Idols drink,especially you."I said.

He looked like he was caught off red handed.

"Uhm...forget about that and I..don't...drink."He was such a bad liar.

"Come on,stop lying already and well I can see people who lie so easily."I said.

"Well don't tell anyone from the outside about this."He said.

"It seems I'm getting to know a lot about the real you instead of finding out on social media."I said with a smile.

"Just clean the room,I'll be back after 5 minutes."He said as he was about to leave he noticed something.

"Ohh my....did he notice?"I looked a bit worried.

"Hmm I guess Haeun did come in here right?"He asked looking at me.

"Haeun..?"I looked at him.

"Ohh I'm sorry I mean Mrs Park and anyways like I said I'll be back,you should be done by then."He said as he walked out.

I looked so annoyed but the job wasn't that hard so I just did the dustin.

I was done and tired...but when i tried to take a seat he walked in and immediately got up.

"Ohh so your done?"He asked looking at my tired looking face.

"May I go now?"I asked.

"Well I'll lead you to your room now since your done."He said as I felt like finally.

I then followed when he took the lead.

I couldn't believe the room was this easy to get to but I just took the wrong way I guess.

"Thank you Mr Park,now I'll get to sleep."I said.

"Uhm...actually before that,tomorrow morning I need you to pack some things into my bag I'll leave them on my bed."He said.

"Uhm...okay."I thought why he would want me to pack his things so suddenly but I didn't want to ask so I just left to go to my room.

I was so tired that I yawned a couple of times and just jumped onto the bed.

I had to close my eyes and that time I didn't even get inside the blanket.

It was a goodnight for me.

In the morning when I woke up I took a shower and put on my maid outfit.

"After eating food I'll be doing what Sunghoon told me to do...and I should stop saying Sunghoon but only say Mr Park or I might end up calling him by his name and get fired."I thought to myself walking out and I saw Nayeon.

She smiled and waved at me as she got closer.

"Thank goodness I get to see you first today."I said.

"Well Nayeon has gone out to buy some vegetables since that's part of her job."Said Chaewon.

"Anyways was she always acting so rude to you?"I asked.

"Well...she has never actually been rude to me even though I found her working here first."Said Chaewon.

"Then why is she always so rude to me,I even wonder what I did to her."I said as  Chaewon also seemed confused.

We just went downstairs to go and eat our breakfast.

Just when I was done I rushed to the room of Mr Park to do what I was told.

While packing his clothes I didn't notice Mrs Park was home so she entered the room.

"Uhm...what's going on?"She asked as I was holding Mr Park's t-shirt.

"Well...Mr Park told me to pack his clothes in his bag I have no idea why."I said.

"Did he say he was going somewhere?"Asked Mrs Park.

"I never asked but maybe he will be abroad since he's an artist."I said.

"Why didn't he tell me about this?"She seemed frustrated and confused.

"Well I'll just continue with my job."I said.

"I should be the one to touch his clothes,leave them I'll pack for him since I know what he likes to wear and not to wear."She said trying to take the t-shirt.

"Mrs Park...it's my Job and I'll do it...I know your husband and wife but I got no intentions to begin with."I said with a straight face as she stepped back.

"Whatever...anyways your someone I dearly trust so make sure you pack along the clothes I give you."She said.

"Ohh...okay then."I said as she took out some more of his outfits and took back some.

"This just doesn't feel right...why does she have to choose for him when he clearly gave me this ones."I asked myself feeling a bit worried.~

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