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I was so surprised.

"Ohh Y/N this here is Park Sunghoon,the most handsome man on the kdrama list,you know he's number 1 but unfortunately for the ladies he's married."Said Sunoo as Sunghoon was pretending as if he doesn't know me.

"Uhm....I know."I said with a straight face as Sunoo looked disappointed to why he even had to introduce him so nicely and I ruined his talk.

"Ohh and Mr Park Sunghoon,this here is our lovely and kind Y/N who is our top model in this company who became successful after she just joined all because of her beauty."Said Sunoo.

Sunghoon grinned with disbelief.

"Well that does sound like her I see."He felt like laughing.

"What's wrong Mr Park?Don't you think what my boss said is true?"I asked.

"No I believe him,I was just amazed Miss Y/N...I mean she really is beautiful."Said Sunghoon as Sunoo smiled.

"Well as we agreed,Y/N you and Mr Park Sunghoon will be having a photoshoot together for some magazines if you don't mind."Said Sunoo.

I glared at Sunghoon because I knew this might have been his plan.

"Okay sir,I was in a good mood but now I'll go home."I said with a smile walking out.

"And what could be the cause of your bad mood?"Asked Sunoo looking confused.

"I bet it's because of me,I thought everyone liked me Mr Kim."Said Sunghoon giving a smirk which made me to turn around and walk back.

"Well that might be true,but well not everyone likes you Mr Park and I'm the first one."I said glaring at him.

He chuckled quietly.

"Uhm...excuse me Mr Park I'll talk to her,my apologies for her behavior."Said Sunoo gesturing me with his eyes to follow him outside which I did.

We got outside.

"Miss Y/N you know he's our most important guest so the least you could be doing is be nice."He said trying to show me a smile.

"Okay I'm sorry about that,I got carried away mostly that you know it's hard for me to control my mouth from speaking."I said.

"Well then try harder,you can go home now..."He said walking back into the building.

I sigh getting into my car to leave and drove back home.

Three days has passed and I was just minding my business while in a restaurant drinking strawberry Milkshake.

I got disturbed by someone who took a seat.

"Ohh it's you?"I looked at Sunghoon who smiled.

"Well I suppose it's me."He smiled.

"Aren't you really scared of someone who will take pictures of us and spread false rumors."I said.

"Who cares about that?It will really be nice to see a pic of me and you in public,also we will be working together tomorrow so it's not something of a huge deal since everyone will understand and think we were just having a talk about work."He smiled in a silly way.

"Your getting annoying this days,what's up with you?"I asked keeping a serious face and kept drinking my milkshake.

Sunghoon called out and ordered himself a milkshake too.

"You said I'm getting annoying?Well as long as I'm annoying you I'm fine doing that forever."He laughed a bit.

I rolled my eyes.

"Mr Park I know you want to take part in this revenge life of mine but I can't let you do it."I said.

"Why not?"He seemed surprised.

"Because you have to focus on Haeun,I mean she's your wife so just make your family work out and be happy."I said.

"B-be happy?"He seemed to be in thoughts.

"Is it something you have to think about ?"I asked.

"Y/N do you think all those little affections you showed me will make me go back to the usual boring life I was living?"He asked with a serious face.

"Uhm...what do you mean by that?"I asked.

He sigh.

"What I mean is that...I like you....I mean...I like you a lot and everyday I live with Haeun but I still don't have any feelings for her,she's hardworking and very kind to me but...all she thinks about is her job and making her parents happy."He said with his face looking down.

"Well I'm not getting involved with that,what a one sided love story you have."I said.

His milkshake was placed on our table and he gave them a side eye because he was wondering why it came a bit late and realized they made some kind of mistake with the orders and he focused on me.

"Y/N hear me out,I...I...I really love you,from the first day I saw you I felt annoyed to why my wife brought you home when we had enough maids but then since that trip to Japan I couldn't stop thinking about you which is my honesty to you."He said.

I got up.

"Don't follow me,being honest won't make me ruin your wife's happiness,also I have better things to do than focus on you."I said walking out of the restaurant as he watched me leave.

I got inside my car feeling a headache.

"I knew something like this would happen,I thought if I left their relationship won't be ruined but it seems I have another problem now which I created myself."I thought as I began to drive.

While I was busy driving my headache was just too much that I thought of turning around to go buy some pain killers.

I was driving the car on a backroad, when a large white truck suddenly appeared coming towards my car head-on, seemingly trying to ram my car off the road!

I swerved to avoid the incoming truck, and as a result my car flipped over before crash landing.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the truck's headlights bearing down on me in my now-upside-down car.~

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