
889 36 3

{BY Solar}

They say be kind to others but don't expect them to do the same.

I took the outfit without a word.

"Wear this and well you can leave in my house as my maid."She said.

"Maid?"I looked at her as I got up.

"My husband wouldn't like me to take in anyone in our house so it will be better to give you this position."She said as she walked out.

"This is better than living on the streets I guess."I thought to myself as I went to get dressed.

When I walked out she couldn't stop smiling.

"Wow you look so cute."She complimented.

"Uhm...okay."I was only trying to be hush so she doesn't blame me of being fake since I wanted to live with her.

"Anyways care to tell me your name?"She asked.

"Please don't ask me like I'm some kind of a baby but well my name is Y/N but I can't tell you my full name."I said.

"Well then Y/N we will get closer sooner,to me it's like the heavens called to me to come and save you from all the misery."She said.

"Okay...thank you."I said with my Lower tone.

"I hope you behave well infront of my husband and what I'll tell you is that don't get too excited of him and get too closer."She said with a smile as I got confused.

"Sorry Mam but I'm not interested in other woman's husbands,what would that make me."I said.

"Not that I mean,well let's just go you will see what I'm talking about."She said.

"Okay then."I said as she hold me by my hand and began talking but I got bored of her Talkative behavior.

When we walked out I noticed something.

"I guess you married a rich guy."I said.

"Ohh because of this car,well I made sure they bring me another car and the one I hit you with will be sold off."She said.

"That used to be my life but I couldn't do anything I like."I said.

"Aww I feel bad for you,was it your parents that were treating you badly?"She asked and received silence.

We entered the huge car that had a driver and we both sat at the back.

She looked so happy and mostly her looks didn't match her behavior.

She looked strict,sexy and quiet with her short dark black haired cut.

But she acted like a kind,Aegyo and Talkative person.

"Well if you want to know I'm a lawyer,and fighting cases everyday is hard."She said.

"Did you become a lawyer by choice?"I asked her.

"Well...I wanted to become a model/solo artist but my parents were against that and that's when I made a choice to get married to one instead."She said with a pure smile.

"If your happy then."It was hard to not like her.

"Either way what were your dreams in life?"She asked.

I felt so comfortable to speak up.

"I actually was like you,I dreamt of becoming like my father whose a business man but well I just kept disappointing him by failing one of my exam because this other teacher hated me for not accepting to get in a sexual relationship with him,when I told my dad he slapped me on the face instead and told me I was not worth it but my sister and brother were better than me."Saying all that I felt like I could cry but I hold them tears back.

"Wow your father is a cruel man,how come he didn't believe you?"She asked.

"Who knows...I even wonder if I am his real daughter because the only person to stand by my side always was my mom."Thinking about her made me miss her.

"So how did you end up at the street?"She asked.

"My dad wanted to get me married to his best friend,like imagine the age only so that his business could expand so I ran away."I felt so angry while saying this.

"Well you did the right thing and that's why I say maybe you were planned to be saved by me."She said with a smile while giving me a hug.

"I've never met someone as kind as you."I said while looking at her.

"Cry it out if you want,I'm here to comfort you Y/N and take me like your big sister."She said.

"It's better to take the role as your maid."I said.

"If you want to then."She smiled.

There was silence for 10 minutes when she suddenly smiled again.

"Wow."I thought to myself when we entered this Gate.

It was such a huge house with workers outside and guards.

"Your so rich right?"I asked.

"Well my husband owns all this and well we only got two maids so your the third one we can trust."She said.

The door was opened by the driver and we both walked out.

"The fresh air here is so nice,everything looks more nicer than my fathers."I thought to myself as I followed the footsteps of the woman.

"Actually.."I said as she stopped.

"Anything wrong?"She asked.

"I never asked for your name."I said.

"My name is Haeun,but for now call me Mrs Park."She said feeling proud.

"Mrs Park..."I put the name in my head and followed inside the mansion.~


Thank you for reading my story♡

>  _ <

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