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I kept on walking till I heard some laughs.

"Guess he's in here."I thought to myself as I entered.

They room was kind of steamy but I didn't even care as I just wanted to talk to Jay.

I couldn't see well but when I passed the misty passage I tripped and fell into warm water.

I just didn't understand what was going on at first till I kept on trying to swim out but then saw I was in this huge pool.

I just swam back into the water as I swam out to find myself surrounded.

"Y/N...what are you doing in here?"Asked Jay .

His friends had their eyes wide opened as I was confused.

"Get me out of here!"I shouted.

I was taken out as the boys were just wearing towels.

"Are you okay?"Asked Jay.

"What do you think?Let's go home."I said.

"Well it seems I have no choice now,your all soaked and mostly look at you...wait have you been drinking?"Asked Jay.

"Wow Jay your so adorable,I've never seen you so caring before."Said Lucas as the other boys just laughed.

"Nx anyways let's go home now and put something on."I said.

"It's not my fault since I didn't get you drunk,But anyways you do seem like your normal self."He said.

"Lucas give me a bottle of wine will you."I said.

"Why not."He said with a smile.

"No...she doesn't really mean it."Said Jay.

"If he doesn't give me the bottle I'll tell Mrs Park that you let me get soaked."I said pouting.

"Just give her."Said Jay giving me this annoyed look.

I took the wine bottle as Jay went to put on some clothes.

"Actually you should wear this."Said Leo handing some clothes to me.

"I don't need anything from you."I said looking the other way.

"I was actually wrong,I shouldn't do something like that especially when it means breaking my friendship."He said with a sad face.

"I really hope you have changed."I said taking the clothes and walking away.

"No that room."He said pointing.

"Whatever..."I said changing my direction.

I checked around to make sure there are not suspicious cameras since I was in an unknown place.

I changed my outfit and then walked out as the boy's reactions seemed to have changed as they looked at me.

"Wow you look so cute."Said Jay.

"Did you just call me cute?"I asked looking annoyed.

"No...I didn't say such a thing,it's because your drunk now let's go home."He said as he took me by my hand.

"Visit next time together."Said Lucas.

"Sure sure."Said Jay as we both walked out.

When we walked out of the mansion.

"I can't believe I'll be going back as a maid again,but well this is my life."I mumbled to myself as Jay took a helmet.

"Put this on."He said.

"I'm no more drunk you idiot,how couldn't you say I didn't hear you call me cute."I said while pointing at him.

He grabbed my arm.

"Stop pointing at me,being my fake girlfriend it doesn't change the fact that your a maid."He said.

"Being your girlfriend is so boring anyways,take me home."I said as he got on the bike.

I got on the back.

"Hold on and don't let go,I don't trust you fully regained consciousness."He said.

"Whatever...I just need to go home."I said feeling like I acted so cringe.

He drove the both of us home but when we got off the bike he didn't seem like he was ready to enter the mansion.

"Actually you walk inside first and I'll come after you."He said.

"Why?"I asked.

"Because I might be in trouble if they find out you are drunk and we both were together if you get me."Said Jay.

"Argh your so boring,I'm going anyways."I said as Jay sigh.

I began to walk to the door.

I looked at Jay as he pointed the door.

"I'm so exhausted I want to sleep."I said to myself as I walked to open the door.

And suddenly someone else opened the door for me and when I looked...

I felt like I was looking at an angel.

"Miss Y/N where were you at this time?"He asked as I felt sleepy to look at him.

"Mr Park...I'm very sleepy."I said as he looked at me and supported me from falling.

"You really look exhausted,I'll ask you questions tomorrow."He said.

He seemed to not be seeing Jay outside I have no idea if Jay hid himself.

But then I grabbed on him so tightly that made him feel uncomfortable.

I felt myself being in his arms as he carried me inside.

"Mr Park,what happened to Y/N?"I heard Chaewon's voice.

"Don't worry I'm just taking her to her room,she seems exhausted."I could hear his voice.

"Let me take her to her room."Said Chaewon.

"No...I'll do it,you don't look that strong enough to take her to her room."He said.

"I'm not heavy."I smiled to myself with my thoughts.

I could feel him walking up the stairs and one thing I'm being placed on my bed.

I could feel the difference from his arms and the bed.

The bed was not that comforting and warm than being in his arms.

He was about to leave as I grabbed his arm to hug it.

"Miss Y/N...I need to leave now."He said so softly to not wake me up but I kept on holding onto his arm.

He had no choice but to seat next to me for the time being.

I slept with a smile.~

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