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I just licked my ice cream a bit annoyed.

"Well not that I mean your that scary...mostly meaning someone that is hard to approach."He said.

"Well I kinda like that then."I said.

"Wow I like this ice cream...no brain freeze."He said.

"Well you used to be a ice skater.."I said with a smile.

"Ohh...yeah I used to but that was the time I was young before becoming a solo artist."He said.

I already finished my ice cream but he hardly ate his.

"Well if you don't feel like ice cream you can give me."I said.

He glared at me.

"Ahh take it.."He seemed so kind as he was pushing it towards me but when I was about to take it he took it back.

"I'm just kidding,why would I give you my ice cream."He said as I was speechless.

"But you can buy another one."I said while doing puppy eyes.

He rolled his eyes

"No need to eat mine,I can buy you another one."He said.

"Really?"I asked with a smile.

"But..."He said as I felt hopeless.

"What?"I asked.

"I dare you to dance or sing to one of my songs which is your favorite."He said as I looked nervous.

"Wow..."I said as he seemed to expect this but.

I got up.

"I can begin with dancing and then after that I'll sing for you but you have to buy me something later in return for singing."I said as he looked speechless.

I didn't care about what people think about me or see me as.

"They don't know me,and I don't think I'll ever meet with these people ever again."I said to myself.

I began dancing as I attracted some attention.

All eyes were on me.

I just knew my dancing was soo badass when I could see how Sunghoon's mouth was wide open with amaze.

"Since I'm done with dancing I will sing for you."I said as he seemed speechless.

I began singing one of his songs that seemed to be my favorite.

"Wow you are..."He just didn't want to finish his words.

"No need to say anything,I'm good aren't I?"I asked with a smile as I sat down.

"I'll pay for your ice cream then."He said as I smiled.

"I need the best ice cream this time."I said as he didn't even have words but just gave me a blank face.

While waiting for my ice cream.

My phone began to ring.

"Who could it be?"I questioned myself when I gave Sunghoon a stare.

"You can take it...no need to ask for my permission."He said as he looked the other way.

I picked up the call thinking maybe it will be Mrs Park.

But I was surprised to hear Chaewon's voice.


"Ohh word Chaewon is this you?"I asked with excitement that I nearly said it out loud but then remembered Mr Park was here.

"Yeah...actually I asked for your number from Mrs Park,I hope you don't mind."She said.

"Well I don't mind at all."I said with a smile on my face.

"I wanted to ask for a small favor."She said.

"Favor?"I was waiting to listen to what she wanted.

"Well can you buy me some beauty products there and somethings I'll send you on the chatting app."She said.

"Ohh you can send me,I'll make sure to buy."I said.

"Really...I'll be so grateful."She said.

"Don't worry."I said as we both began talking about how home was like it seemed boring as usual but well it was then the end of the call.

I hanged up. 📞

I looked at Mr Park as my ice cream was placed on the table.

It looked very nice and well made.

"Anyways I hope it's better than the first one."I said.

"Finish up...I have somewhere I need to be."He said.

"I guess you might be annoyed the fact that I'm better than you in dancing."I said as a means of teasing him.

"Hey,Don't compare me to yourself...your short compared to me Anyways."He said as I laughed.

"Your so funny when your mad Mr Park."I said.

"Anyways when we are here Miss Y/N I just want you to call me Park Sunghoon."He said.

"Why so?"I asked.

"Mr Park kind of makes me feel old."He said.

"But you don't look old and either way your age is still a young age."I said.

"Anyways let me guess your age."He said as I looked at him.

"I think your 19 years old."He said pointing at me.

I laughed.

"I guess I do look young."I smiled.

"Wait you are 23?"He asked.

"No...I'm 21 years old."I said.

"Whoah,you are so young."He said.

"Well I even forgot to check how old you are this year."I said.

"I'm 28 years old this year."He said.

"That's old."I said to see his reaction.

"Hey,did you have to mention that...but twenty something isn't that old."He said.

"I wonder how old is Mrs Park."I said.

"Ohh...you can ask her yourself."He said.

"You don't know?"I looked confused.

"I know...since you guys are friends it will be better she tells you herself."He said as he got up.

"But I'm not done eating."I said.

"Let's go."He said as I rolled my eyes.~

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