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Finally we arrived in JAPAN Tokyo.

It looked so nice while we were walking and I didn't expect that he already made plans for everything.

"Wow you already booked everything and even have guards."I said.

"No...my CEO did all this and anyways let's get into that car."He said.

"Yeah to the hotel!"I smiled as I felt like I was on some kind of vacation but to be honest I feared only that I didn't know how to speak Japanese.

We entered the car and were brought to this five star hotel.

He handed me a key card and his bank card.

"Use the money wisely...I might not be by your side...it's just a bad idea to have brought you here with me but I'm only doing this because of my wife."He said as I took the cards.

"Well then...I didn't want to be here anyways and if you tell me to not get in your business I'll gladly do that."I said.

"It feels relieving the fact that you understand what I'm trying to say."He smiled as he was called out of the hotel.

"I can't believe he left me at a five star hotel all alone...who cares I'll just go to my room and enjoy ordering food."I thought as I immediately went to take an elevator to my floor.

I then walked remembering my luggage was already at my door.

While walking I bumped into someone as the person's room card fell on the floor.

I picked it up to give the guy.

What I saw was not just a dream but an art of human kind.

What I saw was not just a dream but an art of human kind

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"Wow...."I couldn't hide the fact that I was amazed by the handsomeness of this guy.

He just looked at me with a blank look and walked away.

"Who was that?"I was still speechless.

I didn't feel like I was going to sleep till I knew exactly which room he was living in.

I just kept myself focused as I walked to my room.

I then used the card and walked in.

As I closed the door I couldn't stop thinking about the Japanese guy's looks.

"Maybe he's my soul mate...I can feel it."I said as I thought with a smile and seating down on the floor like it was all a dream.

I snapped out of my reality when I heard my phone ringing.

It was Mrs Park.

"Does she have to be this annoying?"I questioned myself.

I picked up the call.


"Hello Y/N?"She replied.

"Ohh Hi...Mrs Park what makes you call me at this time?"I asked.

"Well actually I was just checking if you got there safely and anyways how's my husband?"She asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Well he left me at some five star hotel and went out somewhere with his CEO...maybe he went to perform."I said.

"Well that's a relief...keep me updated okay."She said.

"Okay okay goodnight I'll hang up."I didn't take time but hang up on the call as I went to lay on the bed.

I felt more like home.

"Wow I miss my old room back at home..that meany of a father I have..."I decided to look up the ceiling and think of what to do since I couldn't fall asleep so easily.

I smirked to myself as I took the hotel telephone.

"Time to order."I began ordering a lot of food and snacks.

When I was done I layed down to wait for my order to arrive.

It didn't even take many minutes till they brought the food into the room.

I felt like a princess.

"Wow I don't think I'm taking Mr Park's card back though."I thought to myself as the food was bought into my room and I closed the door.

I ate and ate...I felt so full that I couldn't even get up from the bed.

"Ahh I'm so full...I guess I should sleep for a while."I thought that way.

But when I woke up it was already morning.

I was shocked and surprised but what's done was done.

"Ohh word...I hope I didn't use a lot of money and either way he won't care right?"I questioned myself ready to go and aks for forgiveness.

But he wouldn't actually care because I didn't buy a lot of expensive things.

Just then I heard a knock on my door.

I immediately got up.

"Coming!"I shouted as I ran to open the door half way.

It was Mr Park.

"Mr Park what brings you here?"I asked.

"Get ready...I just can't leave you here at the hotel...I'll let you explore everything here."He said.

"Ohh okay...I don't have plans but I'll get ready."I said as I closed the door and immediately took a shower.

"I said as I closed the door and immediately took a shower

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Outfit for the day~

I was so happy to be able to see how it looked in day light.

I just walked out knowing I'll find him at the down floor.

When I was walking to the elevator it opened as my mouth was wide open after what I saw.

The same guy from last night walked out.

He was wearing the same outfit from yesterday and all I was focused on was his handsome face.

I couldn't believe he just gave me this deadly look and passed me.

My head just turned to his direction as he walked.

"I wonder who this fine guy is?"I smiled to myself as I entered the elevator.~

Just then I remembered something.

"Something seemed off about him,I saw blood stain on his jacket."I just thought of it but when the elevator opened to the last floor I got rid of that thought.

I saw Mr Park waiting as I walked to him.~

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