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Just then I felt so mad that I couldn't take the snacks.

I just decided to walk straight to my room.

That's when I watched the movie and was feeling so sleepy.

But then I noticed something.

"What In the hell???"I was so surprised the fact that Jungwon appeared in the drama as a lawyer.

I was shocked the fact that he became what he thought was his last option of a career.

"Is he really an actor,but what he told me was that he will never be an actor because my sister tells him to,now I feel like it was all a lie."I said as I stopped watching the drama.

The fact that no one even likes me for who I am just made me feel teary while covering myself with a blanket.

I just became like that for the whole night till the following day.

I woke up as my eyes felt dry and when I looked in the mirror they looked red but not that much.

Just then I had to bath and hurry before I hear a knock on my door which was the most irritating sound of mind.

I opened the door without caring how I looked like for the morning and saw Mrs Park as my expression stayed the same.

"Are you okay?"She asked looking at my messed up self.

"Yes,I just had a massive night I guess."I said.

"Okay,clean yourself up...I want you to go and buy me some medicines."She said.

"Okay."I didn't want to know why I even had to buy the medicines and for who but I just liked the fact that I will be going out.

I then closed the door as I went to look for an outfit to wear.

I took a long shower and walked out.

I then dressed up.

I took my handbag as I walked out of my room.

I walked downstairs and not expecting it Mrs Park was seating next to Mr Park.

Sunghoon didn't seem well with his face all red and just seating on the couch with his eyes closed and his face facing nearly the ceiling.

"Actually buy the medicines on the list and make sure to give him,I'll be off to work now."She said as she got up kissing his forehead.

I didn't know what is was but I kinda felt weird like a bit of being annoyed.

I just looked at Mrs Park as she walked out like nothing had happened.

"He looked fine last night,but why is he in this condition?"I questioned myself as I walked closer to him.

I felt kinda worried for him as I got closer in order to feel his temperature.

I touched his forehead and he seems to be very hot.

"Whoah you really are sick,I thought you were pretending for a sec..."I said as he just sigh while closing his eyes.

"Miss Y/N just go and buy the medicine and stop checking his temperature since Mrs Park already did so."Said Nayeon who walked out of nowhere.

"Huh I knew the devil will walk out in situations like this."I said with a smirk.

"Just go."She said as she looked at Mr Park.

"He seems to have a big headache and your just too loud Nayeon."I said as I gave her a side eye and walked out of the mansion.

As I was out I kept wondering what made him to be in that kind of condition but I had to just ignore this feeling.

I was finally able to use the bus and got to the store.

I bought the prescribed medication on the list.

"Seems more like he's allergic to something."I just made sure I was heading back home.

While walking at the side of the streets I noticed someone I shouldn't be seeing.

"Is that my sister?"I questioned myself as she seemed to be smiling alongside one of her friends next to a white car.

They were really dressed up so nicely as she was laughing and looked so bright as always.

I just froze in one place as I stared at her.

Without expecting she turned around with a smile and her eyes met mine.

Her smiled suddenly dropped when she saw me and I didn't know how to react.

She seemed like she wanted to call out to me but I immediately began to run.

"Y/N wait!"I could hear her call out to me but all I just did was make sure to run very far away.

I didn't feel like talking to her,missing her or anything at all,all my life she has always been good to me but I just hated her for being my parents's favorite daughter.

The one thing I hated her for was taking Jungwon away from me.

I was out of breath when I stopped running and decided to take break.

"How could I see her out of all places?"I questioned myself.

After thinking she might see me here I just immediately got onto the bus at the bus stop.

And finally I arrived next Sunghoon's mansion.

I was walking when I felt relieved when I entered the gate.

I then saw Chaewon walking out.

"Y/N thank goodness your here,Mr Park is in the house alone and Nayeon is also out."She said.

"Okay,I guess it's normal to leave people sick in this mansion even though it's the owner."I said so sarcastically.

"Well Mrs Park send me to..."Before she could finish talking.

"No need to tell me,It's not that bad."I said as I felt annoyed with the thought that I saw my sister.~

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