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"It's a misunderstanding Mr Park,I only came in because..."I didn't know what to lie about.

"Just get out,I'm exhausted."He didn't even seem to want an explanation or that I shocked him.

"Wow...how could he just let me go like that."I thought to myself.

I just walked out still questioning myself to why is Mr Park such a weird person.

"Sometimes he's serious,sometimes clumsy and sometimes stupid."I couldn't hold my laughter.

I walked to my room and it felt as if I never slept.

"Sleeping at hotels is the same as just playing video games the whole night."I thought to myself.

I rested the whole day I guess.

When I woke up I heard Mrs Park shouting from downstairs.

"What the heck is going on?"I questioned myself as I immediately ran out of my room.

I bumped into Nayeon who gave me an annoyed look.

"Get out of my way."I said as she grabbed me by my shoulders.

"What's wrong with you?"I asked.

"Did you think if you pretended to be Mrs Park at the award ceremony she wouldn't find out."She said as I was confused.

"What do you mean,wait how do you know?"I asked.

"Don't ask me that,now Mrs Park is upset with Mr Park and she's even drunk to the point that she's trying to hurt herself."Said Nayeon.

"Wow it's not really something deep,I mean I saved her image there."I said.

Nayeon was annoying me so I just pushed her to the side and passed.

I walked downstairs and found Sunghoon trying to hold Mrs Park to seat down and listen to his explanation.

I decided to stay where I am so she doesn't see me.

"I've never seen her this upset."I thought to stay out of trouble because this is not my problem.

I was about to leave and walk upstairs.

"Y/N your here..."Said Mrs Park as i turned and smiled awkwardly.

"Uhm...yeah I just wanted some water to drink."I said looking innocent.

"Come here."She said as I looked at Sunghoon who was standing next to her.

I walked there without any thoughts.

"Look at the TV."She said as I looked at this news in which she had recorded and being played again.

"Ahh...and?"I asked.

"Well you can clearly see that their saying Sunghoon's wife mind blowed everyone at the award ceremony by coming while wearing an outfit that looks mysterious and all the attention was on her."She said while reading.

"Yeah and so?"I looked at her.

"Well it seems she wasn't you,I nearly thought you were the one pretending to be me there for a sec."She said.

Sunghoon didn't seem like he would tell her that it was me.

"I even thought you went to the award ceremony,I was at some hotel."I said while looking at Sunghoon.

"Nah...I'm sorry to stop you from going to the kitchen Y/N,continue."She said giving me a smile as I passed Sunghoon giving him a look.

She faced Sunghoon.

I didn't want to miss such a drama so I pretended to have walked into the kitchen.

"Sunghoon I told you I couldn't come to the award ceremony with you but making someone pretend to be your wife was disappointing of you,you acted without my permission."She said.

"What was I suppose to do?Your always busy all your life,I can't even go with my wife to receive my achievements,what are we?"Sunghoon looked so upset.

"Now your upset with me...at least I'm honest with you."She said.

"Yeah your honest...you can't even spare time to go out with me like the olden days also your not ready to..."He hesitated to speak as he looked around to see if anyone was listening to their conversation.

"Ready for what?"I questioned myself.

"Don't even bring up that topic Sunghoon,you know we agreed on that."She said.

"You can have the bedroom to yourself."He said as he began to walk upstairs.

Mrs Park just stood there watching him walk away.

"Wow it's like I'm watching a real life kdrama."I said as I went to drink water quickly.

I walked out and found Mrs Park also gone.

"Thank goodness,I can go to bed peacefully,but wait a minute...where did Mr Park go If the bedroom belongs to Mrs Park alone tonight?"I questioned myself.

This question made me remember something.

"Damn I wonder if Mr Park didn't go to the wine room,I was craving some drinks tonight."I thought.

"Nah he wouldn't go in there,let me go and check."I said to myself.

I began walking without worrying about getting lost since I knew the way clearly.

I got to the room.

The door was closed so I decided to open slowly and peek.

But I was busted.

Sunghoon seemed to have opened the door.

"What brings you here?"He asked looking serious.

"I...came...to...actually I heard some noise so it led me here."I smiled awkwardly.

"Come in."He said as I was surprised but decided to enter.

"Join me for a drink,I have all kinds of drinks you might like."He said as I was surprised to why he was acting so kind to me.

"Ahh I guess I will like them."I said as I he understood me.

I sat next to him as he poured me one of my favorite wine.

"Only on one condition."He said as I was confused.

"Talk."I said.

"We play truth or dare."He said with this look in his eyes I didn't understand.

For the love of alcohol I smirked.~

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