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I got up.

"Your the only person I've shared my story to,but I didn't share all of it because I don't want any to used against me."I said.

"I'm sorry for your sad life Y/N,but you should have told your father that he was wrong but running away from the situation was wrong."She said standing up.

"That's the main reason why I hate telling my story,no one understands me,even you."I said as I took my bag and put everything else.

"Don't leave."She said.

"Why?"I asked.

"Where are you going to?I mean you can't survive alone out there."She said.

"It's my life Chaewon,you can't tell me what to do or not to do."I said.

"I'll go and inform Mr Park."She said.

"Go on,it's like I'm running away from jail."I said but Chaewon ran out.

I rolled my eyes and kept busy with what I was doing.

I saw a message of my apartment that I got from the CEO Sunoo and also what to expect.

I smiled and then saw a number I recognize.

"Ahh it's that Japanese sniper or whatever he is,as long as I have his numbers...nah let me not think too much."I thought to myself.

I just had other plans in mind to get Jungwon's attention.

If only I had Jungwon with me then I'll be happy,I didn't think of this plan till I met him at that event.

"I think I'm going crazy."I thought to myself.

I thought this day will end peacefully with no drama till I was called downstairs by Mrs Park.

"Y/N are you really leaving?"She didn't seem happy about this.

"I won't be changing my mind,actually I got an opportunity in something and it's a good thing I'm leaving."I said.

"Y/N I brought you here to keep me company because I just like your character."She said.

"You wouldn't like me if you found out the things I did behind your back."I said as she looked at me.

Chaewon and Nayeon were close as they stood and listened.

"Behind my back?what do you mean?"She asked but Sunghoon unexpectedly walked in looking at both of us.

"What's going on here?"Asked Sunghoon.

"I was about to tell her what I did behind her back so I don't live with guilt but it's better I keep my mouth shut."I glared at Sunghoon who really seemed worried.

He knew I might tell his wife that he kissed me that day.

"Honey it's nothing to worry about,anyways what makes her say such things?"Aaked Sunghoon looking more nervous.

"She wants to leave,she's moving out tomorrow and she said we might not see her again,I was getting used to her."Said Mrs Park.

"Your leaving?"He asked.

"That's what she said."I said not looking bothered.

"Fine,let her go Haeun,she's old enough to make her own decisions and who are we to stop her?"Asked Sunghoon.

"When I found her she looked so homeless Sunghoon,how can I believe she will be okay out there?"Asked Haeun.

"Why does she always act as if she cares about me,reminds me of my sister."I rolled my eyes as I thought.

"Y/N when you leave I just hope you have some help and a place to stay."Said Sunghoon.

"Whatever,enough of the talking because I'm not changing my mind and Goodnight."I said walking out leaving the four of them.

I just got to my room and sat on my bed.

"Sunghoon is something else,I was not even going to tell Haeun what happened for real but I just wanted to see his reaction and he sure is good in keeping his character."I laughed to myself at him ridiculous this seemed.

Just then I decided to sleep it off and leave as soon as possible because I really don't want to ruin a husband and wife's relationship and good marriage because of my revenge on my father.

Tomorrow morning...

I didn't waste time but took my bags and was already walking out.

I was stopped by Jay at the door who didn't even understand what's going on.

"Where are you going?"He asked.

"Let me be,who are you to stop me?"I asked giving him a bombastic side eye.

"Chaewon just told me that your leaving so I'm surprised."He said.

"No need to worry,I have a new life now,new image and I'll be part of the most famous people I suppose."I said.

"Ohh,that's good."He said.

"I suppose,but let me be now,I have some work to take care of,being a maid was really tiring and annoying than I thought,being a driver was more better."I said.

"Well let's keep in contact then."He said.

"Why?it's not like we friends."I said.

"Ohh...we are friends."He said.

"Whatever,my taxi is here,bye."I said as he waved at me.

I looked up at the window and saw that someone was standing there watching me.

"Is that Sunghoon?"I questioned myself.

I got inside the taxi and looked to see if I could see any sign of Nayeon and Chaewon but they were just standing next to some flower.

My taxi took off and I felt relief that I'm no more part of this family.

I was so ready for whatever comes next.~

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