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I had woken up from a very bad dream.

"Why did I even dream about him?"I asked myself to find Sunghoon who was already awake and looking at me.

"Who were you dreaming about?"He asked as I got startled.

"Huh...it's none of your business."I said as I immediately got out of bed.

"Your hair really met it's match."He said.

"Your silly jokes aren't funny."I said as he felt speechless.

"You sure forget I'm mostly your boss."He said with a serious face.

"A boss and his worker shared a room,I guess your wife will like that."I said as I rolled my eyes.

He was still speechless.

"Your driving me insane."He said as he left the room.

"I'm definitely going to drive him mad that he might think of kicking me out of his mansion."I smirked.

Seeing Jungwon and my sister last night made me think of a plan of finally planning to take my revenge once I'm also rich myself.

"Sister,I'll make sure your relationship doesn't last long because Jungwon is mine."I said glaring at the mirror.

I decided to just go take a shower and dress up.

Once I was done I had to pick a nice outfit from what Sunghoon had brought for me.

"I have to make sure I go to places with Mr Park,since he will be in a new drama with Jungwon."I said as I put on some jeans and a white t-shirt.

I tied my hair to a ponytail to look natural as I can.

I then walked out as I found Sunghoon having breakfast without me this time.

I immediately ran to him as I took a seat.

"What are you doing here?"He asked.

"I'm your driver,don't worry...no one will think we are in a relationship."I said.

"Argh just order some breakfast and eat in the room;someone might take a video."He said.

"So much for being famous."I said as I decided to get my food and eat in the room.

I thought of that artist Sunoo I met.

"Well then...he might help me,I guess he's included in my plans."I said to myself while eating.

He suddenly walks in the room and that startled me.

I looked away.

"Since your ready,drive me home."He said.

"Sure."I said as we both walked out.

Inside the car.

"You know what,I really liked being a maid more."I said.

"Well then shall I fire you from this job,I mean your bad at it."He said.

"Ohh word."I did not know what to say from that.

When we got home I thought he was not serious about firing me.

"Damn I was just joking,I guess my jokes are too serious."I thought as I glared at him.

Mrs Park was not home and I was already in the mansion in which I left Sunghoon at the car.

I bumped into Jay who was listening to music with his earpods.

I decided to act a bit devilish for my revenge.

I tripped him and made it look like it was a mistake.

As he fell down he immediately gave me a glare.

I thought it was fun as I smirked at him but I guess he has a sensitive skin.

Already he had a scar on his leg.

"Argh...what was that for?"He asked as he got up.

"Sorry,I didn't see you,here let me see how bad I have hurt you."I said trying to act as if I felt bad.

I checked his leg were it looked hurt.

"Aww I'm sorry,maybe if I help you apply some ointment then it will heal faster."I said with a smile.

But someone interrupted me.

"Here you go,I saw you from over there that you got hurt."Said Chaewon as I glared at her.

"Wow I must be getting in between their love story,that's why she's acting this way."I smirked as I looked at the both of them.

"Why would I let a mere maid apply ointment on me,give me and I'll do it by my self."He said as he took the ointment and bandage from Chaewon without even looking at her.

I could see the pain in Chaewon's eyes as she was trying to smile from his action.

"So much drama,should I help her or not?"I thought as I kept walking away.

I then saw Nayeon who was busy dusting.

She rolled her eyes as soon as she saw me.

"Did you miss me Unnie?"I asked with a smiled.

"Since when am I your unnie?...it sounds cringe coming from you."She said as she tried to avoid me.

"Well it's not that you hate me Unnie,but the reason why your acting so selfish towards me is because you want to see if I'm tolerant to your behavior towards me and it's working,I'm getting mad I suppose."I said giving her a serious face.

"Ohh...was actually waiting for you to show your true colors,I guess it's working."She said.

"Whatever Unnie...I'll go and get some rest in my room."I said with a smile as I ran upstairs.

I wanted to pass Mr Park's room but it was open and eventually he was in the car and it seems like he was too busy.

I immediately walked in to just take one look.

I wanted to leave but...

The wardrobe was open.

It was for Mr Park.

I couldn't control myself from touching his t-shirts.

"Wow this one was the one he wore for some performance,what's special about it?"I asked myself.

All his t-shirts smelled so nice.

"Am I crazy,what am I doing?"I questioned myself.

But I was just too excited that I opened Mrs Park's wardrobe and it seems like she had many pretty dresses hanged.

"I should leave."I said as I closed.

I was about to walk out of the room when I bumped into Mr Park.

He looked at me with confusion.~

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