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She gulped as she stepped back.

"Actually I don't know,but how am I going to ask him when I'm not close to him?"She asked with a cute face which I hated.

"Well learn to get closer,he might not be interested in maids."I said as I walked out.

I always knew I was harsh with people but one thing was that I always speak the truth in which my dad hated me for it.

It felt kind of cold today than I excepted.

I took out my phone to contact my Australian friend who was expecting me to visit him and had to cancel my plans because of this unexpected guest.

"Ohh word,Can't believe I'll be staying home."I said as I rolled my eyes.

Just then I made sure to go to the kitchen when I saw a bowl of cookies.

I looked each side and decided to pick one up.

Just then I took a bite and found them so tasty.

"I wonder why I feel hungry,shouldn't be eating here but this are better food."I said to myself as I walked out.

I just went to look around the house waiting it to be tomorrow already.

It just got boring and more boring from every step I took.

"I've never seen this room before."I looked at the huge door.

I wanted to open the door but stopped myself.

"Wait a minute,I remember something..."I kept thinking about what I forgot.

Then I finally remembered.

"I remember I left some wine bottle in a vase,If one of those maid girls find it while cleaning I'll be in trouble."I thought to myself as nod.

I pout as I stood for a second.

Just then I decided to just go and take some rest till the guest arrives since I was getting bored for no drama or getting to see Nayeon being mean to me.

I took a short rest from not doing anything and finally woke up.

"Wow I hope I didn't sleep too long."I thought to my self as I checked my phone.

I just got off the bed as I decided to go out and that's when I bump into Nayeon.

"Well let's hear what she will say today."I glared to provoke her.

"Mrs Park told me to tell you that you should make sure that you check the timing the younger brother will arrive."She said.

"You should be doing this job,how do you expect me to wait till he enters the door?"I asked.

"Hmm I guess you thought I'll be nice to you for once since I'm quiet,but your wrong just do the damn job."She rolled her eyes as she walked away.

"Well I nearly thought she hit her head somewhere but I'm glad she's still the same person."I said to myself as I walked downstairs and then took a seat on the sofa.

"Hope I won't wait for hours."I thought to myself with the thought I brought my phone with me.

I kept watching some reality shows and keeping a serious face and try not to laugh challenging myself.

I did realize it was taking time.

I knew Mrs Park went out for some work and she would be coming back pretty late and for Mr Park I had no idea.

Chaewon even came and sat with me while telling me about the mansion.

Just then she got tired.

"I'm going to sleep,feel bad for you to wait for him while I was waiting to greet him first."She said as she yawned.

"I'll stay and wait."I said.

"I would have stayed with you but I'm pretty tired."She said while yawning again.

"Just go away."I said as she walked away.

I realized how comfortable it was to seat on the sofa.

It just reminded me that the way my father was so strict he will make sure we never seat on his most expensive white sofa.

"That evil man."I said to myself while playing some game on my phone.

Just as the door opened and was waiting to see who will be coming in I saw Mr Park.

I got up immediately.

"Ohh it's you?"I said as he looked a bit tired.

"Are you waiting for the brother?"He asked.

"Brother...yes."I said while nodding.

"I knew he will just take time in order to come home,He's probably at some party."He seemed to be talking but I just couldn't take it as if he was talking to me.

"You don't need to worry Mr Park,I can wait for him no matter what time it is."I said.

"Hmm okay."He said as he just walked upstairs.

I just took a seat on the sofa as I waited again.

An hour later....

I heard the door opening as I waited to who will appear.

And as I expected this boy walked in.

And as I expected this boy walked in

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rs Park younger brother

He just stopped and looked at me with this confused face.

I just stared back.

"So you must be Jay  the younger brother?"I questioned checking the time on my phone.

"And who are you suppose to be?"He asked with this arrogant attitude.

"A new maid in the house."I said.

"Huh whatever,take this bag to my room...I'm so hungry I wonder what food I'll get in the kitchen."He said as he threw his jacket and a hand bag to the sofa I was seating while heading to the kitchen.

I just glared at him.~

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