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Just then I walked inside to find that Sunghoon was not to be seen.

"He must be in the room."I thought to myself as I just walked upstairs.

I thought of knocking at his room.

I knocked twice as there was no response.

I breathed in and decided to just walk in.

I found him lying on the floor like a dead corpse as I got scared and immediately attended to him.

"Sunghoon!Are you okay?"I asked as I immediately took a glass of water that was kept on the tiny table and the medicine.

I got down on the floor as I took his head and placed on my lap.

I quickly splashed him with water bit by bit on the face so that he should show a reaction at least and I could see his eyes just trying to open up slowly.

And as I rubbed his hand he slowly opened up his eyes to look at me.

"I should give him the medication."I thought as I took one pill and placed it in his mouth.

I also made him drink some water in which it seemed to be working.

"Why did they leave me with him in such a condition,I'm also new here."I mumbled to myself.

He came back to his senses as he slowly moved away and got up.

"You should take some rest."I said.

"Leave me alone."He said in a cold way but I just couldn't let him act as if he's okay.

I made sure he got onto the bed.

He then seemed like he needed to take some sleep in which I made sure he's in some blankets.

"I'll check up later."I said as I walked out.

"Mrs Park really got to be kidding me,like what made Mr Park to be in this condition over one night and no one dares to take this serious?"I felt anger burn inside me that I really wanted to confront them.

I decided to just take care of him myself.

I walked to the kitchen in which the chef seemed to be cooking such lovely food.

"Actually...I prefer to cook something else for Mr Park."I said as he looked at me.

"I'm sorry but I'm the chef here."He said.

"Come on,it's only for today and it's not like I'll tell them I cooked."I said.

"You better be a good cook."He said.

"I think I'm even better than you."I said as he side eyed me but didn't say anything.

I made sure to make some soup for Sunghoon in which I believed it was a good remedy for a person who is weak as him,my mom used to make this soup for me in which I loved it so much but never told her.

I was done as I smiled a bit.

I took the bowl of soup upstairs to the room and made sure to place a chair so I can seat next to him.

"Here is some soup the chef has made."I said as he opened his eyes.

"I don't feel like soup."He said as I immediately placed the spoon of soup into his mouth.

He did not expect it but I just wanted to make sure he's in a good state.

"Why are you even doing this?"He asked like he wanted to show he's annoyed but couldn't.

"What do you think I'm doing,your wife is not capable of taking care of you and also told your maids to leave the house and it seems it's just you and me again."I said.

He just kept quiet.

"Now open up."I said as it seems he had no choice but to listen to me.

He just ate the soup I fed him and it kinda made me feel fluttered for having such a cute face when eating.

Finally he was done with eating the soup and he looked more better.

"Now take a rest and I'll be back later."I said and as I was about to leave...

"Y/N..?"He called my name as I turned to look at him.

"Thank you for noticing."He said in a soft way as I just ignored his words.

"It's nothing."I said as I walked away out of the room.

I just smiled more and thought of maybe doing something else for now.

Finally the two girls came back together.

Nayeon just glared at me as she was about to pass me.

"Well you said you don't feel like trusting me but yet leave me alone with Mr Park."I said with a smirk.

"It's not that I trust you,I'm only letting it go since Mrs Park trusts you."She said as she walked away.

"How is Mr Park?"Asked Chaewon.

"I took care of it,he's resting in his room."I said.

"Thank you Y/N...I felt so worried that you might need my help in this kind of situation."She said.

"It was nothing,anyways what made him like this?"I asked.

"Was he in a bad condition?"Asked Chaewon.

"She had no idea?"I questioned myself.

"Mrs Park said it was only an allergy to something he shouldn't have eaten."She said.

"An allergy?"I looked confused but she nodded and walked away.

"It should be making sense."I got into my big thoughts.~

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