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It was already in the morning as I decided to wake up and clean myself up while packing up my clothes inside my bag.

"Since we will be leaving later I think I should hurry and go buy some items."I thought as I did my hair.

While doing my hair I remembered that last night I did something and that's when I felt regrets.

"Damn I shouldn't have done that,what if I'm going to lose my job when I get back home."I just held half of my hair as I bit my lips.

I put on any outfit which was a black long dress.

I walked out biting my nails out of nervousness.

I just wanted to make sure I don't see Sunghoon so early and that's when I suddenly bumped into the same guy who I was curious about.

He really seemed to like wearing jackets when today he was wearing a black leather one.

I looked up at him as he seemed to be looking back.

"I'm really sorry."I said trying to pass.

"You should keep minding your own business,that way you wouldn't get into trouble."He said as I turned to look at him.

I really thought all he knew was to speak Japanese but I definitely was wrong.

He gave me this cold look and walked away.

I felt my body shiver but I just felt more curious the fact that he was holding a black plastic bag.

I then came back to my senses and walked to use the elevator.

When I got downstairs I saw Sunghoon seated and drinking a cup of coffee while looking at this magazine.

"Seems I'll just have to eat out,I never thought it will be this awkward."I thought.

But when I wanted to hurry out he saw me and called out to me.

I sigh and just walked straight to him.

"What?"I asked with an annoyed expression.

He looked surprised and confused but why did it feel like he suddenly forgot what happened last night.

"Uhm...I will out."I said.

"Nah,seat here and let's eat...anyways I thought of telling you something but forget it."He said as I immediately sat down.

"Tell me."I said with puppy eyes.

"Nah...I think it should stay a secret till it's out,but anyways whatever happened last night I forgave you so let's forget it ever happened."He said.

"Forgive me???how dare he...how can he kiss me back and expect to forgive me."It just felt annoying.

"Why do you look annoyed,I said I forgive you."He said.

"Jerk."I said without thinking.

His face changed to being serious.

I gulped.

"Ohh I was not referring to you,I meant thank you."I forced a smile on my face to not get on his bad side.

"Well then let's eat,we are leaving today anyways and I have somewhere to go."He said.

"Yes and I'll inform Mrs Park."I said with a smile.

"No need,let's just just surprise her."He said.

"Wow that's so sweet of you Mr Park."I said.

Deep down I didn't like this at all.

"It seems I have failed."I thought to myself still keeping a smile on my face.

We ate and were done.

We both went our separate ways when he took off by a limo while I walked the streets.

I was bored for a sec but when I saw the leather jacket guy seated at the bus stop I couldn't control myself instead I went.

"Do you mind if I seat?"I asked as he just looked at me without saying a word.

"I guess it's a yes."I said with a smile and sat down.

He seemed annoyed but then I noticed he was taking out a cigarette.

"Ohh word."I rolled my eye.

He took out a lighter.

As expected he began to smoke so that he could make me leave but I just sat.

"My sister smokes,I won't go anywhere."I said as he threw away the cigarette.

"You seem to have guts don't you?"He asked as he glared.

"Well your one handsome Japanese guy,and anyways your so mysterious so it makes me feel attracted."I said.

"Hmm...what's your name?"He asked.

I couldn't stop smiling too much.

"My name is Y/N and what about you?"I asked.

"I have heard your name from somewhere...and well my name is mysterious."He said.

"Hey...don't be like this...at least tell me your name not your surname."I said.

"Ni-ki."He said as he looked away from me.

"Cute name,but why don't I believe it's your real name."I said.

"Believe what you want...it's not like I wanted to tell you my name."He said.

"What do you do for a living Ni-ki?"I asked.

He just sigh as he didn't look like he will share that with me.

"Come on.."I said.

"If I tell you...you won't be this close."He said.

"I don't care what you do,whether your an actor,police man,laundry man or even a mafia."I said.

"Yes the last one you guessed it right."He said.

My eyes widened as I expected he might agree to the last one.

"So your a mafia?"I asked with a bit of fear in me.

He smirked.

"Just kidding I'm a hitman."He said.

"For real?"I asked while trying to not look scared.

"Are you scared now?"He asked with a smile.~

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