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I could see Nayeon giving me this annoyed look and Chaewon seemed a bit sad.

"Mrs Park can I also be Mr Park's travel maid one day?"Asked Chaewon with a smile.

"Well...maybe next time Chaewon."Said Mrs Park.

"Okay..."Chaewon looked at me with envy in her eyes.

I just ignored the both of them when Mr Park entered the mansion.

"Sunghoon.."Said Mrs Park smiling at Mr Park.

She was trying to touch him but I could see she was hesitating when Mr Park didn't even look at her but was busy on his phone.

"Sunghoon...you know your going to be gone for three days so I expect you to look at me."Said Mrs Park as Mr Park looked at her.

"Ohh sorry...I was busy informing my CEO about...."He was about to finish his words when he saw my bag.

"Why does he look surprised?"I looked down.

"Is she really going to leave with me,you can't be serious Haeun."Said Mr Park.

"Well...she will be helping you with what you need,it's not like she will follow you everywhere."Said Mrs Park.

"Fine..."Said Mr Park as he walked upstairs.

Chaewon and Nayeon left.

"Well I know it will be a foreign country but don't be scared,they might be nice there in Japan."Said
Mrs Park.

"Ohh I would like everything there."I smiled.

Mrs Park just left me and walked upstairs.

I just had to carry my luggage by myself.

When I got outside the driver so me and helped me to put the luggage inside the car.

"Thank you."I smiled as the driver smiled as well.

I saw Mr Park coming out with his computer by his right arm.

He just walked into the car as I joined as well.

I don't know why I felt nervous since it was not the first time to be in a car with him.

"Well Mr Park I feel happy to be going out of this country with you."I said with a smile.

"Well okay then."He said with ignorance.

"Wow he's such a pain,he can be a different character each day."I thought to myself while glaring at him and he noticed but didn't say a word.

The driver got in and began driving.

I just began playing video games in my phone.

"Where is the phone I gave you?"He asked.

"I sold it."I said while ignoring eye contact focused on the game.

"You must be kidding me,well then your loss."He said.

"Well why would I sell such a pretty phone when I got money."I said looking at him.

"I wonder why you had to be my travel maid but well I just can't let anyone know your my maid though."He said.

"Uhm...so what would I be?"I asked.

"Let's say your my personal guard or maybe my makeup artist what do you think?"He asked.

"What the...I don't know karate Mr and I can't even do my own makeup."I said as he smiled while nodding his head.

"Why is he looking at me like that?"I asked myself.

"Well why don't you stop working as the maid and be my personal guard,I mean no one judges a book by it's cover."He said.

"What do you mean?"I said while looking at myself.

"Most people might fear you for being cute,that way they will think your the best guard just by not looking all scary."He said.

"Is he making fun of me?"I glared at him as if he was wishing for a death wish.

"I prefer to stay a maid."I said.

"Hmm as expected from someone like you."He said as I coldly stared at him but he was already looking the other direction with ignorance.

There was only silence in the car and what broke it was the phone ringing.

We both looked at each other while he picked up the call.

I just didn't want to seem more involved so I began playing video games on my phone.

"I wonder how the weather is like in Japan?"I began asking myself.

For an hour then we were already at the airport.

He got off first without even alerting me so I had to turn off my phone and follow him.

"Wow I'll be traveling on an airplane."I smiled as I remembered my father used to travel alone and not let me go along with him.

"Anyways will you be meeting Japanese celebrities?"I asked as he ignored me.

What's funny was that he was wearing some glasses and a mask to cover himself and surely no one will recognize him.

I just pouted and we got on the airplane to go and take the private seats.

While seated he ordered some snacks.

"How many hours is this gonna take?"I asked him.

"You seem to talk too much...it will take just 2 hours so seat and relax...I don't want to feel like babysitting you."He said.

"Well I'm the one to take care of you here and anyways I'll stop talking and view the inside of the VIP seats in here."I began looking around while seated and it just looked different from the others.

"I guess you idols get the best things in life."I said.

He just glared at me as I kept quiet.~

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