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Time passed~

I slowly began regaining my consciousness.

My eyes slowly opening as I felt the uncomfortable surface of the bed my body laid on.

I groggily lifted my head to look around, my vision gradually coming into focus as I took in the sterile surroundings of the hospital room.

The sound of a heart monitor beeped steadily nearby. It then hit me.

Memories of pain and fear flooding back into my thoughts.

"A car accident."I thought.

My own body, injured.

"... Wait...f*ck."I thought for a moment.

My heart began racing.

I quickly tried to lift my arms to feel over my body for any signs of pain or injury.

What I felt was the thin, almost itchy, blanket covering my body from the waist down.

Carefully throwing the blanket off,my eyes fell to my own legs.

They were bandaged - badly bruised, scrapes and cuts littered my skin. Yet... my legs appeared to be intact.

A wave of relief washed over me, my racing heartbeat calming. I collapsed back onto the bed, sighing deeply while I felt the nurse running inside the room.

I called out the nurse but instead...

I saw Sunghoon walking in with worry on his face,as he suddenly looked at me he seemed relieved.

I groaned inwardly as Sunghoon entered the room.

Seeing him standing so close sent a pang of anger through my chest.

Although I was grateful for his concern, I couldn't help but be frustrated by the sight of him. After all I was expecting Jungwon instead I guess.

Despite my irritation,I couldn't deny the flutter in my heart as I looked at him. I quickly pushed the feeling aside and looked away.

"Y/N I'm glad your awake...uhm...how are you feeling?"He questioned standing to my side of the bed.

"Well...let's say I'm fine,just grateful my legs can get back to work someday."I talked still looking away to avoid eye contact with him.

"Well...I'm grateful nothing serious took place."He said.

"How did you know about the accident?"I questioned.

"Ohh,actually I drove after you because I wanted to talk to you and that's when I saw the accident occur,It was such a painful and scariest thing I've ever seen in my life."He said.

"Yeah I guess I'm just a magnet for accidents,or hospitals since I never really get hurt badly than expected."I said.

"Uhm...I was wondering..."His words made me wonder what he wanted to say.

"Talk..."I said.

"Uhm...you have no one to take care of you till your legs recover,I mean...would you like to come and live with me in my home?"He questioned as I looked to his side.

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