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A new home can be a new beginning of life.

"Wow Mrs Park you have a lovely house."I said with a smile.

"Well thanks and I hope your good at working."She said while waiting for my answer.

"Well Mrs Park I can try something."I said.

"What about doing the dishes?"She asked.

"Uhm...I don't know who your husband is and his temper so I don't want to be fired from breaking the plates."I said to skip that kind of job.

"Well then follow me."She said as I followed her upstairs looking at this other maid who was busy cleaning some mess on the floor.

She looked a bit older than me but the way she looked at me told me she was the gossip type.

We walked as I followed her to this other room.

"Mrs Park where are we going?"I asked.

"To me and my husband's room,I can show you what your job is."She said as I gladly followed her.

"Well your job in here is that every morning you will have to make up the bed and clean up this room

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"Well your job in here is that every morning you will have to make up the bed and clean up this room."She said.

"Well that can't be hard."I said with a smile.

"Yeah my husband will be back soon,now I'll take you to meet the other maids."She said.

"Maids."I would love to work but the thing of putting me with other people wasn't something I wanted.

"Are you okay with it?"She asked.

"Yeah,they might not be that bad."I said as we walked out.

I walked as she made me meet the other two maids.

Chaewon and Nayeon.

They smiled both at me and Nayeon was seven years older than me while Chaewon was my age.

"Wow it seems you have found someone you can trust like us Mrs Park."Said Chaewon.

"Well I guess now you won't be bored when Y/N is here."Said Mrs Park.

"Ohh yeah,Nayeon here is older than me at least someone my age."She said as I rolled my eyes and pretended to enjoy the conversation.

"Actually can I use the bathroom?"I asked.

"Well let me take you to out rest room."Said Chaewon.

"Either way when your done using the bathroom I'll show you to your room."Said Nayeon as she gave me this unpleasant look.

"She looks very unhappy to see me,does she know me?"I questioned myself.

"Well then I'll take my leave for now,something agent has come up and please take care of your health Y/N."Said Mrs Park as she walked out.

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