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"I should just go and ask him myself."I decided to go upstairs and entered the room.

He was so deeply asleep.

I just walked next to him to witness the cute face he has when so camly asleep.

"He sleeps like a baby."I felt like laughing when he changed his position.

"Maybe I'll ask him someday,let me leave the sleeping baby."I said to myself as I left.

I walked out of the room as I closed the door without any noise.

I felt tired from all the caring I had to do so I thought of taking a rest.

I went to take a rest.

Hours later...

I woke up as it was already at night and I walked out to see Mrs Park walking up  the stairs.

The fact that my room wasn't far from  their room I just walked.

"Ohh Y/N...your still up?"She asked with a smile.

"And it's now your back,you seem to always be busy."I said with a straight face.

"Well...I had such a long meeting,I thought of coming back to come and take care of Sunghoon but somehow I couldn't leave."She said.

"Work is more important I guess."I said.

"Very and maybe if you were in my position you will understand."She said.

"Right...."I said.

"Anyways Chaewon called me and told me you took care of him,let me check him up."She said with a smile as she walked in.

"I just stood at the door and the fact that she was taking long I wanted to peek but she came out.

"He seems so better,I guess the pills helped."She said.

"What is he suffering from?"I asked.

"It's just an allergic reaction he gets when he eats something,I just don't know what it is but he never tells me."She said.

"His own problem then."I said as I walked away.

I went to drink some water downstairs and felt a bit of a headache.

"This headache seems to be getting to me this days."I just decided to go and sleep and maybe it will go away on it's own.

I went to sleep.

The next day...

I woke up expecting that the headache had left but it didn't leave.

"What kind of pain is this?"I questioned myself as I dressed up and walked out.

I saw Chaewon.

"Chaewon?I called her out as she came to me.

"What?"She asked.

"Can I have any medicine for this headache I have to stop."I said.

"Actually we ran out of pain relieving medicine accept the ones Nayeon has."She said.

"So I have to go and ask her."I felt annoyed but just forgot the idea and bare the pain.

Sunghoon walked out to see me as I also looked at him.

He didn't say anything and just walked downstairs.

"Who cares,as long as his okay."I said to myself as I also walked downstairs.

He was eating his food alone once again on the huge table that was meant for a family.

"He looks so lonely,poor him."All I could focus was him but the pain of the headache was unbearable.

He noticed the fact that I kept closing my eyes.

"Are you okay?"He asked which was unexpected.

"Yes I'm okay."I said.

"Now your not,what's wrong?"He asked while eating.

"I have a headache."I said in a way as If it was embarrassing since I looked away.

"Hmm huh..."He sigh as he got up.

He looked better than I expected.

I wondered where he was going as he came back with the medicine.

"Take this pill and drink water."He said.

"Uhm whatever."I took it and walked away to the kitchen with a smile.

I took a glass of water and drank after the pill.

I then took a seat for some time.

"I think this works."I said to myself when Nayeon walked to me.

"What are you doing lazy brat?"She asked while holding her waist.

I just glared at her.

"Your busy seating here while me and Chaewon clean the house,who do you think you are?"She asked.

"Let her be."Said Sunghoon who seemed to have heard and walked in.

Nayeon had no other words to say to me.

"Uhm Mr Park but..."She wanted to say something.

"She has a headache,she can clean when she feels better and anyways I'm planning something for her."He said as he didn't want to say more and walked out.

"Planning something?"I questioned myself still seated as Nayeon seemed frustrated.

She walked out.

It took some time as I felt better and thought of getting back to work.

My work today was to wash some socks.

I made sure their washed and clean as Chaewon came to take and went to hang outside.

Nayeon hasn't said anything ever since and even when we ate she just kept quiet and avoided talking to me.

"This is so boring,I'm getting used to her talking."I looked at Nayeon to provoke her but she looked away.

I smiled.

I was done and decided to just go outside and explore.

I began walking outside and checking out the yard even the garden.

I decided to take a seat somewhere outside and search something in my phone.

I began to search for Jungwon's acting career.~

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