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I got up with my ice cream to follow him from behind.

As expected he had put on his mask.

"Do you think anyone will notice you here?They seem too busy with life to even watch anything related to you."I said.

"You seem too good at teasing people right?"He asked.

"Yeah I just feel happy somehow."I said.

"I should be the one to enjoy more than you."He said.

"Well I can't just be bored to make you happy anyways."I thought to myself as I gave him a glare.

For a minute he stopped a taxi.

"Why are we taking a taxi?"I asked.

"Because I want to try taxis here."He said.

"As if you can speak Japanese."I said.

He began talking to the driver in Japanese.

My mouth was wide open but well I had to follow him into the taxi.

"Where are we going anyways?"I asked.

"Well I'll have to take you back to the hotel and for me I need to go somewhere."He said.

"Hotel?...it's so boring there,just drop me somewhere near the hotel and I'll walk there."I said.

"You sure?"He asked.

"Yeah...I can take care of myself."I said.

He just looked at me silently and as I wanted he stopped the taxi.

"Better be back at the hotel."He said.

"Well it's not like I'll get lost...I memorized this road in case you had to try to take me back early."I said.

He seemed unbothered as I walked out and closed the door.

The taxi didn't take time but left.

I smiled as I saw a lot of people walking around and looking all busy and focused.

"Well then...this is nice."I said as I began walking.

I then passed so many restaurants that made me want to go but then I remembered I got no money to waste.

Just as I was walking my phone rang.


"Hello?"I answered.

"Hello Y/N."Said Mrs Park.

"Uhm...I'm not with Mr Park right now..."I said.

"Well that's okay...anyways where are you?"She asked.

"Well...I'm just walking and seeing some places."I said.

"Ahh...okay enjoy,sorry to disturb you I just wanted to know how Sunghoon was doing."She said.

"Uhm...he went somewhere but he will be back."I said.

"Ahh..."Just as I was walking and talking to Mrs Park I saw the guy with the jacket I saw back at the elevator.

I seemed curious about him that I didn't even hear what Mrs Park was saying.

"Call me back Mrs Park."I said without waiting for her to speak I hanged up on the call 📞..

I began running passing the hotel as he walked around and I just followed him.

"Why am I following him?"I questioned myself but I followed anyways.

I knew it was getting late but it just seemed early to go back to the hotel now.

He seemed to be looking back but I froze in which he didn't see me and I kept on following him.

I saw him walking towards this black car.

He began talking to someone in which I saw them exchanging something.

"Actually this is a bad idea...I should just go back to the hotel...it's getting darker."I thought as I speed walk back.

But then I tripped and fell with my knees.

I felt hurt but just got up to avoid being seen by him or even look back.

I just quickly walked till I got to the hotel.

When I got inside I just wanted to make sure I get to the elevator and I got in.

I breathed in and out.

"What is that guy anyways?"I questioned myself but then when the elevator opened I just walked straight to my room.

Just when there was a knock at my door.

"Ohh word,how am I going to hide the fact that my leg is hurt?"I questioned myself as I had a plan in mind but it just couldn't work so I had to open like this.

I went to open the door when Sunghoon walked in.

"Mr Park?"I gulped with his unexpected walk in.

"I hope you don't mind."He said.

"You back early."I said.

I was trying to hide my knee but he saw my expression and then walked closer.

"Uhm..."I felt nervous as he kneeled down.

"How did you get hurt?"He asked.

"Uhm...I fell down while running."I said as he got up.

"Follow me to my room."He said.

"Wait...but."I said.

"Ohh...I get it's painful so let me carry you."He said in which that was not what I meant.

I wanted to say no but he already carried me.

My mouth was wide open when I could see he had a worried face there and seemed so serious.

I couldn't hold the fact that I blushed too much and he smelled so nice.

It wasn't my intention anyways.

He took me to his room in which he put me on his bed.

He then walked to look for a medical kit.

I was just observing.

"Anyways if I apply this you will be okay."He said in which I just couldn't understand what he was saying but still had this feeling in me by just only seeing his handsome face.

He was walking to me as my heart beat fast.~

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