Chapter 1: At The Dance Hall

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Her large and vulgar fortune was only eclipsed by her beauty. She was gorgeous. She had blond hair, blue eyes, and creamy white skin wrapped around curves so tight and supple that one had a hard time taking his eyes off them. And the lady's looks would only grow more pleasing with time. She was the kind of woman most men covet: but only one would ever be allowed to love. There was, of course, that one flaw. But most men would overlook that in order to obtain such a fine and rare trophy.

He was also handsome. But his inheritance, which was enormously larger than hers, didn't affect him as it did her. He was, for the most part, his own man and is as you see him: dark hair, olive skin, a chiseled physique, and green eyes.

One night, deep in the bowels of a swanky city nightclub, Tammy and James found themselves alone and bored, leaning shoulder to shoulder, in a booth behind a large round table. She wore a slender white satin dress: and he, a dark suit and black tie.

They had just escaped from yet another wedding reception where for the first time in a long while, she wasn't a bridesmaid. So, they crept from the crowd into the kitchen, from which they found a door, and exited to a darkened alleyway. From there, they ended up out on the streets of the town and found the posh dance hall.

"Well, this didn't go as planned." Said Tammy. She threw an olive pick at a drained vodka martini glass.

"No, but there are different levels of boredom; at least we don't have to dance."

"And you're no fun either. Tell me, why do I love you so?"

"Two point one trillion. That's usually how it goes."

"So, you think money is a good reason to love?"

"No, but it's not a bad reason to marry."

"James! You surprise me. You're just like my father."

"A wise man, but with a critical distinction."

"What's that?"

"I won't disinherit you for marrying me."

"You don't love me, Mr. Newman! I know you well; you'd think I would have noticed by now."

"Did you notice my girlfriend?"

"I did. Very pretty.

"But -

"No, buts. But if you really loved me, you think that would hold me back!?"

"No, beautiful women usually get what they want. Especially heiresses who stand to inherit nine hundred and fifty billion."

"So it's my money you're after!"

"Nah, billionaire heiresses are a dime a dozen."

"Only you'd say that."

"So let's get married and see if we can't make it closer to three trillion."

"You are after my money! Get away from me, you filthy bastard!"

"So you're gonna hold out for love."

"Do you even have to ask."

"Then, Tammera Lynn McMath, I wish you luck. Just find someone before 23, or you'll be S.O.L on the inheritance."

"Yeah, well, I just hope my resolve is as strong as my ideals."

"Don't worry; we'll always have my practicality to fall back on."

"No thanks, I'd rather starve."

"Then have children with me?! Come on! Marry me and live fat and happy."

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