Chapter 2: Family Business

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She wakes to the sound of music. It's early for her, so she stretches, sits up, and rubs her eyes.

"Jeeves! Fifteen more minutes." Said Tammy to the computer system Ai.

She falls back to the pillow.

"A pleasure, Mam." Said Jeeves, over the apartment speakers.

Her massive bedroom is mostly white, and shaded, because of the drawn curtains. The floors consist of tan colored wood and white tile. A winding staircase leads up to a balcony filled with chifforobes, closets, and a desk with a mirror to put on her makeup. The door sits under the balcony, and directly opposite is her bed.

She wakes to the sound of music.

"Fifteen more minutes, Jeeves!"

"Very good, Mam."

Time passes, and she spends most of it asleep.

She spasmodically gets up to a sitting ninety-degree angle in bed. She yells:

"Jeeves! What time is it!"

"Half past two, Mam."


She drags herself out of bed.

Stumbling to the shower, Tammy fumbles for the valve behind the curtain and adjusts it. She then looks in the mirror and examines her teeth. She sticks out her tongue. In the medicine cabinet is her toothbrush. She gets it and squeezes the tube, then brushes. The steam from the shower is billowing behind her. Tammy widens her eyes. They're slightly bloodshot. She squeals with the brush still in her mouth. A small cup is filled with water, and the water is then swished around her mouth. She spits.


Tammy then sticks a hand behind the shower curtain. The water is almost scolding. She jerks back her hand and adjusts the hot and cold.

"Jeeves! time!"

"Fifteen to three, Mam. Shall I prepare your bath?"


"She adjusts the water, slips out of her nightgown, and jumps in.


Still, a little too warm.

"Shall I inform your father you'll be a touch late, Mam?"

"Don't bother. He knows."

All cleaned, she gets dressed. After six minutes and some change, she finds a cute blue business suit and throws it on.

"Now, I must do something about those eyes."

It takes her a minute and a half to walk the long corridor with a high ceiling to the kitchen. Grabbing an assortment of things from the refrigerator and cabinets, she mixes the muddled concoction together with pepper and tomato juice. After gulping it down, she throws the glass into the steel sink and begins running out of the house.

"Makeup and hair." Reminds Jeeves.

A quick blow-dry and lipstick are all that is required. She is the form of beauty itself.

She rushes into the teleport in her apartment. The teleporter in her father's office flashes a pail white. Tammy arrives at the office, and several heads turn. She walks to the receptionist desk.

The secretary's desk is large and round with a computer screen and keyboard. A white steel filing cabinet sits behind her. The woman behind the desk is wearing a blue business suit and thin spectacles fastened to a slender silver chain.

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