Chapter 7: Into The Depths

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Hidden deep underground lies the experimental arm of the Edin Project. It's a massive facility with thousands of levels made of tindercrete and integrated steel. On all these levels can be found trillions of circuits, an overabundance of turbines, motors, generators, and an endless number of computer systems. All this high-tech complexity is powered by fusion, the planet's rotation, and global core engines.

Originally designed to get Venus's magnetic field started, it is now a part of the aforementioned project. Although the planet's engines are no longer needed to spur its inner domino for the benefit of life, their function is still useful in generating an almost limitless amount of power for the project.

Crossing a concrete bridge that spans two massive electric generators, James Newman finds himself giving orders to two mechanical men. He stops in the middle of the roadway and walks to the glass balustrade. Feeling the warm air billowing up from beneath him, he reaches out his hand and feels the heat rising up from below.

"Sir," said one of the mechanical men, "would you like to finish the inspection?"

"No, it's just a coupling; I'm sure you can handle it."

"Yes, sir. The fab shop in this sector is in repair; we'll order one first thing tomorrow."

"Have we anything in storage?"

The robot makes a call. His glass eyes brighten, and he stands ridged as a stick.

"Calling... Calling," a static sound beeps and pops in his metal head. "Yes, two couplings are primed and ready to go."

"Great, have them brought here and installed. Let me know of any anomalies."

James walks to an elevator at the other end of the bridge, then descends into the depths. Hover lamps race by as he falls into the moderately lit abyss. Bright branches of electricity flash outside his aluminum glass box with the zapping, crackling sound of charged particles zipping through the air. Antigravity breaks slow his descent until he stops at a floor near his office.

James walks through the long corridor that's open to the shaft on his left. About fifty feet from the elevator is his own private laboratory. He walks through the gray laboratory to his office at the back. Opening the door, he sees Tammy with her feet up, asleep at his desk. He smiled.

"Well, aren't you something!" he said as he closed the door.

Tammy awakened, rubbed her eyes, and said:

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for hours!"

"I'm sorry. Did I inconvenience you? I've only just been doing my job."

"Sorry to hear it. Now take me out somewhere, nice."

"Why? You already know where you can go."

"Maybe later, dear. I'm hungry. Let's start with that."

"Ok, a crust of bread and some water. I don't have time for your shenanigans."

"Pizza! ...Yes, take me for some pizza. Then you may go."

"With pleasure, dear."

They walk out of the lab and back to the elevator.

"Where are your teleporters?" Said Tammy, "I didn't see any on the way down."

"Security measures make it impossible to have one on this level. And who let you down here? This place isn't exactly open to the public."

"Xavier Brown. Remember, I met him at your awards banquet."

"How well did you meet him?"

"Not very - sweets! And keep your innuendos to yourself, or I'll have to chuck you off the balcony!"

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