Chapter 15: A Venusian Christmas Party

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On the continent of Colombia lies a city where the buildings hover just above ground. This city is called Paladin, and in order to help the wildlife grow and thrive in the area, an ordinance was brought into effect banning all buildings from constructing a substructure underground. By day, It shines with the gleam of mechanical precision, and by night, it glows with the light of RGB wonder.

Every year at Christmas time, the McMath family throws a massive party. It's mainly for business executives and stockholders, but the family always invites company employees: mainly for the purpose of filling up their building so that the most important VP's can mingle with a more boisterous crowd.

Among the crowd of the boisterous sits Tammera Lynn McMath. She watches the men drink their drinks, while the female employees dance on-top-of company desks.

"There you are. I was hoping you'd be here." Said Eric Krieger over the revelry. He approached Tammy from behind.

"I don't know why," said Tammy, not really expecting to see Eric. "I never come to theses things anymore."

"It was just a hope; I didn't really expect to see you. I assume you're here for your father?"

"I am."

"I suppose he's not too happy with you."

"Why is that?"

"Because of the modeling, of course."

"You may be right."

"Tell him we're dating again. You don't have to mean it, I'll cover for you."

"Your sweet, but I don't seem to be afraid. I mean, I'm a little terrified, but on the whole, I'm good."

"Well, even if he does cut you off, my offer still stands. I'd very much like to start seeing you again."

"I can take care of myself, thank you. I don't need a man."

"How about a friend?"

"Now this is going to sound mean, but I'm still not convinced you know how?"

"Maybe not, but I'm learning. I thought maybe if I start acting like one, the rest may follow."

"I know James would say that that was a good point. I wonder what he would think of your shenanigans. But it was kind of you to offer. For that, I'm grateful."

"James, again!? I still don't understand what you see in that guy."

"Oh stop! You were doing well."

"Ok, ok, but you can't begrudge me the right to feel a little jealous. I may be genetically advanced, but I'm still human."

"A fact my father seems to miss."



High up in the highest tower sits Thurston Edward McMath. He sits behind a desk waiting for his daughter to arrive. After tapping his finger for about a half hour, she stumbles through the door.

"Hello, Father; good of you to invite me." Said Tammera Lynn McMath.

"So then you know why I have called you here."

"I'm afraid so. Since my fiance's family is no longer willing to put up with me, I can only assume I've been cut off."

"Just so. I'm sorry, my dear, but you are still welcome to all our family gatherings."

"You're very good, father. But, why the change. I thought I had until my twenty-third year?"

"I see no reason to prolong this any further. Your mind is made up, and any further attempts to change it seems futile."
"So that's it, then? Nothing more to say?"

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