Chapter 19: New Year's Day

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His father, William, and James sit quietly in the Ohio office just off Lake Erie. William, with his back to the lake stares blankly at a computer screen to his left. James, who's sitting Infront of his father's workspace, is enjoying a view of barges and sailboats sharing the great lakes water way through the big picture window."

"Gosh darn it! You'd think they'd have this on-line shopping thing down by now. I hate it when you can't find what you're looking for on the web."

"Send an intern out for it, and while you're at it, have him pick up some coffee and donuts. Isn't that what people have on New Years Day?" Said James.

"If it ain't they should." Said William, then yelled into the interoffice intercom. "Kathy! Send Robie out for a fountain pen... and while he's at it, have him pick up some coffee and donuts!"

"For the whole office?" Said Kathy, the stand-in office Ai secretary.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. If anyone's crazy enough to be here on New Years Day, they might as well have some great C&D! And make sure all personal stops working when the football game starts... or their FIRED!"

"Thats telling um, show them who's boss."

"Bunch of loafers looking to pick up a little extra holiday pay. I love it."

A silver and gray mechanical man rushes from the building and runs across the parking-lot to the company garages. A door lifts and a hover van sails into the parking lot. The Mechanical Man jumps into the passenger seat and the two rush off into the city.

"So, are you going to marry that dark-haired woman?" Said William.

"Laura? I was thinking about it."

"What's stopping you?"

"I can't get past the fact that I feel nothing for her."

"How long have you been courting?"

"A little over four Earth months."

"Maybe you should give it a little more time."

"How much more time do you suggest?"

"Thirty days, then cut her off! No, seriously, tell her how you feel. Maybe she'll want to marry you anyway. But I doubt it. The most probable outcome is she'll do the hard part for you and cut you loose! ...If you're lucky."

"Geeze Dad, what the schwa!"

"At least you'll be being honest, and, in the end, its truth that women really want anyway. In other words: Stop trying to spare her feelings and be a man! ...tell her how you feel."

"You make a good point, Pops."

"And what about the little blond... what's her name, Tammera?"


"Yeah, you feel the same way for her as you do Laura?"

"Kind of, but different."

"How so?"

"I don't know, I can't figure it out. Every time I ask her to marry me, she turns me down. It's kinda aggravating, but she thinks I don't love her."

"Do you want to marry the woman or not!"

"Sure, yeah, but they both have their problems."

"OK, what's the worst thing you dislike about Laura?"

"I'm not sure, but there's something off about her."

"And what's the worst thing about Tammy?"

"Wow, there are a lot of things, but...

"But they don't bother you as much as they do, Laura."

"No, Tammy's messed-up things are kind of alright with me. And I know I bother her too, but the things she does that might drive other men crazy, only me smile."

"So, you're willing to put up with Tammy's idiosyncrasies more than Laura's?"

"I guess so."

"Are the things wrong with Tammy abusive?"

"No," said James.

"Then marry Tammy and be done with it! Kid. In other words, your life is over and prepare for greatness!"


"Nobody's perfect, not even yourself. And in all my years, I've observed that sacrificial love is the greatest: It's forgiving, patient, enduring, and passionate. Now, I may be wrong, but love is in the will as well as in the emotions. Go with Tammy, even though I can't stand the family and they will be a thorn in your side for as long as you live."


"I just want to know one thing."

"What's that?"

"How will you deal with her father? You will be creating a little chaos, and the project demands efficiency when it comes to creating its super-being. He will no doubt be after you! You'll be messing up the bloodlines of the project if you have kids."



"I'm certain that those in the project won't be coming directly after Tammy and me if she consents to be my wife. The risk of scandal if they get caught is too great. No, I'm sure they'll come after us sideways. I believe they'll be patient and go after our children. They're a powerful institution and can attack us from the shadows for generations. So, I was thinking, how can we protect them (our offspring) if we're not even alive when they come? We'll have to give our kids a set of strong values... standards, that closely reflect what we believe so they'll be able to make good choices and defend themselves. And it'll have to be institutionalized to last generations. The Jews, Hindus, or the Catholic Church fit the bill quite nicely. But I'm picking the Church because their Canon is so well-defined and hasn't changed for thousands of years. But don't get me wrong, I know my defense isn't perfect, but it's the best defense I can come up with, and lately, I'm learning to have a little faith."

"You're crazy, you know that kid! But I won't stop you. You proceed with your plan. Just allow me to help. When I was young, I was contacted by a machine intelligence that called itself, The Lady. I then joined a secret society devoted to stopping the Edon Project from creating its machine and super-being. I was going to invite you in, but at this point, I don't think it would be wise. Those in the project will be watching you too closely. Instead, let us help you from the outside. We'll look after you and Tammy and try to keep you safe without her father ever knowing we're there."

"Yes, that would be nice. The less we know about your organization, the better."

They sit in silence, just looking at each other for quite some time. Later, the coffee and doughnuts arrive. Putting their feet up on the windowsill, they sit, sip their coffee, and have their doughnuts while watching the boats sail by.

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