Chapter 17: Taking What They Giving

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The black, mile-high office building was made of steel and glass. It was an old design, which meant that its concrete foundation was planted firmly underground. Most of the other buildings in the neighborhood were of this fashion, but future engineering choices changed the style of the newer structures the further one traveled from the center of town.

"You - are - a - Wonder, Ms. McMath!" Said a man in a black business suit. He walked in from the outer office into the small office with glass walls. Inside this small workspace are two desks, six lime-green cabinets, and shelves. Outside the three glass walls of the secretary's office, the regular employees worked busily filing, typing, and commiserating by the water cooler. A fourth wood-paneled wall separated the small secretary's office from Mr. Bandershaws's Office: the big one with a massive view of the city. "Not only have you managed to improve the filing system," continued Mr. Bandershaw, "but you've also brightened up the drones' work area outside!" He looked through the glass walls to get a look at his employees busily doing whatever it was they do. "Just look at them! Everyone's smiling. I don't think I've ever seen that in the twelve years I've worked here."

"Thank you, Mr. Bandershaw. I figured since all the employees make use of the info-track system; it might as well be programmed to be more user-friendly. As for brightening up the outside office, I'm not so sure if that's...

"And this office is so much tidier!" Interrupted Sherman Bandershaw. Director of parts and operations. "As I've always said, a clean workspace is a happy workspace. And a happy workspace is usually on account of efficiency."

"Thank you, director. I do try. But I was wondering, could I change the color scheme of our cabinets? Lime green makes me billiard." Said Tammy.

"You may, indeed. Pick whatever color you like. Just keep up the good work and nary the thought of working anywhere else."

"Thank you, Mr. Bandershaw. I have no plans as of yet."

He smiled at the most beautiful woman he had ever seen and almost regretted his age and his wife and two well-behaved children.

"Excellent, Ms. Mc Math." He walked from the small secretary's office into his larger one... The one with a massive view.

"You are a Wonder! Said a brunette, sitting at her desk directly opposite Tammy's. "And a suck-up!"

"Why don't you like me? I've done nothing to you." Said Tammy.

"Are you serious? Girl, you're a bootlicker! And I don't like your name, 'Tammera,' it sounds like a stripper."

"Ha! No more than yours, Dianna Lynn Hott. Yeah, I'd think about getting that one changed!"

"Ooh! Witty! Looks like I got a nerve."

"Cathy, or Catrina? Or something that rhymes with Cat, I should think."

"You're not funny."

"Neither are you."

They stared at each other for a moment.

"Come on, let's be friends." Said Tammy. "I'll promise to show you up less if you promise to be less nasty."

"Show me up?!" Girl, if I wanted --

"Please!" Said Tammy. "I don't mean to show off. I was only trying to make a good impression, and I admit, I may have overdone it. This is, technically, my first job, and I kinda need someone to show me the ropes... Obviously."

"I don't trust you."

"I know, and why should you? You don't know a thing about me. So let me tell you something about myself." Said Tammy and paused to think of how to start. "Let me begin with a part of my life you might enjoy... I've been disowned by my family."

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