Chapter 2.1: Eric Krieger

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The doorbell chimes.

"Jeeves, who's at the door!?" Said Tammy.

"Eric Krieger, mam."

"Ignore him! Maybe he'll go away."

"He's using his pass key."

"Change the code!"

"Too late, mam."

A tall, well-built gentleman enters Tammy's apartment.

"Hey! Tammara Lynn! You here?"


"Hey, Tammy! Are you home!?"

"No!" Shouts Tammy.

"Ha! That's my girl. Come on out where I can see you. I want to talk."

"We've got nothing to say to each other."

"Augh, don't be like that; come on out. I want to see you."

"You've got pictures!"

"Oh, yeah, babe, and then some. It's this that I want to speak to you about. Come on out, Camera, let's catch up."

Tammy appears from a long hallway to the living room. She sees her former boyfriend standing before her front door. His blue cap sits on a head of thick, curly hair.

"Don't call me Camera. I'm warning you! You call me that again, and it's out the door you go."

"Ok, ok, sweetie, whatever you like."

"And don't, sweetie, me! ...What do you want."

"I hear you're becoming a model now; how's that going?"

"It's fine, I suppose. Now can you please leave?"

"Wait, a minute! Give a guy a chance. Got anything to drink?"

"Waters in the kitchen, help yourself."

Eric smiles, then asks Jeeves for a vodka martini.

"Will you require a twist of lime?" asked Jeeves.

"You know I do," said Eric.

The drink appears on a small table by the fountain. Eric takes a sip and sits on a park bench. He looks out the window.

"A bit early in the day, don't you think?" Said Tammy.

"Nope. And I know you, don't be like that."

"I'm trying to quit."

"Really?" Said Eric with a laugh

"Well... I'm cutting back. And don't talk like that to me. You're the one who got me started in the first place!"

"I know; I'm sorry. Have a seat."

"Yeah, right!" Tammy sat down at the edge of the bench.

"No, really. But we'll never have a problem with it. Our DNA prevents it."

"You sure? Lately, I've been wondering."

"But this is not why I'm here."

"You said something about our pictures?"

"Yes. I would like to give them back to you. Even though some of them are quite entertaining."


"Because I'm forgetful and careless, and they could be used against you. Now that you're a top model, you can't be too careful."

"I'm not a top model. But thank you."

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