Chapter 16: The Bottom of the World

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Made of ruff-cut-stone and weathered by years of abiding service, a small gray church stands as a monument to a community who've served it faithfully throughout the years. Soft music is played from pipes rising from an old wooden organ and stained-glass windows look dull when standing outside the building. Large tombstones are littered throughout the grounds, and a five-foot wall made of rock surrounds the perimeter.

All the teleporters around the church of St. Joseph's are lighting up and sparkling. Emerging from them, one by one, is a small congregation of devout parishioners. Mixed with the crowd are many who only attend mass two to three times a year. But these are the kinds of people the priest loves to see; because in God's eyes, all, even himself, needs saving. The small, devout priest gives thanks to God for giving him this moment to offer Christ's life to the poor in spirit and the less seen.

A booth glows white, and James Newman appears on the pavement by the side of the church.

"Good of you to come." Said Martha to James.

She turns him towards a side entrance in the wall. The black gate clanks closed with a squeak. They walk down a narrow path that crosses the cemetery. Floating hover lamps guide their way even though they're not needed in the daylight.

"Thanks for inviting me." Said James.

"So, what inspired you to come to mass tonight?"

"Curiosity of course. And a desire to know what Christmas is all about."

"Did my little altercation with my sister help as well?"

"It did, yes. That and your conviction. You see, I've always been curious about this holiday, and you seemed so adamant that I thought: 'Now this Lady must know a secret or two.'"

"You know, I just might. But I'll let the Holy Mass speak for itself first, and if you have questions, I'll be glad to answer. Now I think you'll enjoy this, but if it's too much for you, don't be afraid to speak up, and I'll take you back."

"Why do you think it'll be too much for me?"

"Everyone has a different reaction to the Mass; some love it, but some may have objections to the readings or the homily. But the service is only an hour long, and with a little patience, most can get through easily."

"I see. Well, people with strong convictions don't bother me, and I'm not easily offended."

"That's the spirit. And let me just say, nobody will be trying to offend you. But our Lord Jesus Christ did say some controversial things. Even still, this is a Christmas Mass, I don't expect too much fire and brimstone."

"So, this Christmas thing is about a church service."

"Oh, it's more than just a service. But yes, the Christmas mass is essentially about the birth of our good Lord and the sacrament of communion."

"Communion? That's a new word... what does it mean?"

"Put very simply, it's the act of communicating with our God, but in the most intimate of ways. To receive him, body and blood, through the form of bread and wine."

"You're kidding."

"No, not in the least. Now, I know it sounds shocking but come and see for yourself. Things may get clearer through experience and with the help of the Holy Spirit."

They enter the church and find a pew around the middle of the floor.

"May I ask a question?" Said James.


"Now this may sound dumb, but what exactly is holiness? Is it just obeying the rules, or is there more to it?"

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