Chapter 13: Tall Dark Handsome

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The man, standing at a height of six foot two, with blue eyes and jet-black hair, which is naturally curly and long, is looking for a woman he has only met once but was captivated by, nonetheless. His voice is deep, and his body is firm, and when you put your arms around him, it is like hugging a statue. (hard but cold).

"I think you should go out with me." Said Brandon Faulkner.

"Oh? Why is that?" asked Tammy.

She was looking out of the eighty-third-floor window when Brandon approached her. The massive window held a view of the city, which was dark and gray due to the cover of somber rain clouds.

"Does a man need a reason to ask a beautiful woman out?"

"Compliments will get you nowhere."

"Hey! I was just saying. You know, like in general terms."

"So, you don't think I'm beautiful?"

"Oh yes! But I would never say anything until I got to know you better. I like to play hard to get." Said Brandon with a smile.

"So, this is all a game to you?"

"No, it's not all a game, but I do like to have fun. And I would never toy with your emotions."

"Not until you got to know me better."



"Now, who's playing with who!?"

"Right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to play with you. So let me just say it straight out and leave it at that... No."

"No? Why not?"

"You seem like you need protection."

"I do? From whom?!"

"From me. Now, you forget me; I'll only hurt you, and you deserve better."

"Maybe I like to be hurt."

"And I find that so unattractive in a man. Sorry, but I don't think it would work out between us. Forgive me."

"OK, to show you how much of a modern man I am, I will respect your decision. But I must warn you, I do love a challenge."

"Then I wish you two luck. Have a good one."

"Two? Wait! What do you mean, two?"

"You and my father. He's very, very ...sapient. See ya." Said Tammy as she walks into the teleport and disappears in a flash.

A few moments later, a petite, beautiful, dark-haired woman walks onto the office floor. She's wearing a tight white mini-dress with red lines sewn in every direction. Her hair is done up in a ponytail.

"That doesn't look good. What will you do now?" Said Falisha Lambert.

"Now... We become friends."

"How are you going to do that? She wants nothing to do with you."

"I wouldn't say that. But now that she's turned me down, she may feel she's hurt my feelings -

"Not likely!" Said Falisha.

"No, but I can use her pity against her. I'll play that angle. We'll become friends."

"Unless she's a cold-hearted witch!"

"She's not."

"How do you know?"

"Because I can read people."

"Well, as long as you get her off the runway, we'll help."

"I'll need it. So, what are you doing here besides checking on my progress."

"Executive has inside information that Tammy has a love interest."

"Of course; who?"

"Some guy named James Newman."

"Some guy? Is that all? I hate doing research."

"They said he's a scientist of some kind and that they've known each other for years."

"Now that's useful."

"What is? That he's a scientist?"

"No! Unrequited love!"

"I don't know what that is?"

"When a boy dumps you, whose arms do you run to for comfort?"

"I've never been dumped!"

"That's sad; maybe someday a boy will show interest."


"No! The answer is - a friend. We need to know how deep her love runs and maybe even enhance it."


"So, we can get her to fall into despair when things don't pan out. If necessary, we'll need her to fall deeper in love and then break his neck to get her on drugs."

"Whoa! I'll have nothing to do with murder."

"I mean, metaphorically."

" ...So, why are you helping us?"

"Have you seen her!"

"Yes, I have. Wait a second, you like her?"

"I do."

"Well, that figures. But knowing you, you'll probably toss her to the side when you're done with her. I don't know about this. I mean, the last girl you messed up ended up on the streets of Iran, not knowing who she was!"

"Except this one's really hot!"

"They're all really hot, Brandon!"


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