Chapter 18: The P.I.

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The library was always a safe bet. No matter what bad feelings she may have felt for the day, she could always depend on the library to help chase her blues away.

Libraries and Cathedrals. In order to entice the children to come visit the library, the city officials would make available free cupcakes and punch. The Cathedrals and churches offered pretzels and fresh milk. But what both places gave was an escape from the street. And even though Tammy was considered an elite, both institutions welcomed her all the same.

Walking among the stacks of books, she thought how all of this was almost a thing of the past. The time when libraries like these came close to becoming extinct.

"Thank God for universities." Thought Tammera Lynn. "If It weren't for them, the Dark Age of A.I. would have taken over for good."

In her right hand, Tammy scrolled through the library's indexes loaded onto her phone. With her left, she caressed the spines of hard-cover books. Finding her favorite one, she read the title on the spine: 'Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.' She smiled as she walked back to the library's open area with many soft leather chairs to read in. Sitting down and opening the book, a voice sounded out just to her right.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but are you a lover of Shakespeare?" said a man in his mid-forties with a slight French accent.

"Yes, I am, and especially when it's on tactile media." Replied Tammy.

"You mean, when it's in the pages of a book. Or at least, that's how we used to say."

"Yes, in the pages of a book... I like that. What is your name?"

"Henry Blanc, Madam. I believe you know the name."

"I do. Thow I was told that when we met, I should be discreet."

"True. But I assure you, all precautions have been taken. We may speak freely for the moment, but of course, our time is limited."

"Then what do you have to report? My father can be very intrusive when it comes to family business."

"Very true, Madam. But I am sad to relate that I have very little to offer as pertains to your love interests. But in our investigations, we may have stumbled across a few interesting facts."


He hands her a thin vanilla file.

"This is Eric Krieger." Said Henry. "He, as you know, has been working closely with your father to entice you into a marriage. But according to our operatives, it's Eric who has the truest feelings towards you, though his fidelity in marriage may be in question. He likes the ladies, Madam, and never goes to bed without one by his side."

"I understand." Said Tammy.

Henry hands Tammy another thin vanilla file.

"This is George Ferrell. We thought him very boring at first, but then we stumbled across his medical records. It appears that his family has been hiding a very serious and scandalous flaw. There was an error in George's emotional development before birth. Put quite bluntly, George is a psychopath. His family gives him strong doses of antipsychotics just to keep him normal. We strongly recommend that you do not make social ties with him, Madam."

"Very good. This information is quite useful."

"Thank you, Madam. Finally, we have Brandon Falkner." Henry hands Tammy his final file. "Brandon's reputation for ending the careers of several young models is notorious. In fact, the oddest thing in Brandon's file is that he was recently hired by the other models of your former house to end your career. On a personal level, I thought the model's response to you was very odd... but as I see you sitting before me now, I think I'm beginning to understand."

Tammy smiles as she receives the final file.

"What about... Never mind." Said Tammy.

"Ah, yes, James."

"No, no, whatever it is, I don't want to know."

"The Princess thought as much, so we were instructed not to look into James.

"She's sweet."

"Nevertheless, we did talk to his father."


"But not in any investigative way, of course."

"Of course."

"Mind you, any information I'm about to relate is strictly the kind shared between two friends!"

"My lips are sealed. The princess need never know."

"Thank you, Madam. First: The father has had a change of heart towards the marriage."


"Yes. In the beginning, he was against any such union between you and James."


"Of course, he knows all about the fertility problem between the enhanced and, how shall we say - normal people."

"The what!?"

"The fertility problem...

"So, James and I can never have kids?"

"That is not what I have said, Madam. You must understand that James's father and yours are at odds. James' father hates the Edon Project and has had his hand in from the beginning... If you understand my meaning."

"I'm afraid I do not." Said Tammy.

"As powerful as your father is, he still needs the help of outside contractors."

"I see, so James's father owns such a company."


"In general, what has transpired?" asked Tammy.

"Before you were born and without the foreknowledge of you or James's existence, His father's engineering firm tampered with the procreation matrix of the program."

"He did What?"

"He made it possible for advanced but organic DNA to procreate with the non-organic bloodlines."

"You mean the Edon Projects' engineered DNA would be compatible with natural-born human beings?"

"Yes, in select cases, it would seem that by a quirk of fate, your DNA is compatible with James."

"I love James's father!" She looks at Henery. "But as a daughter, of course!"

"But of course, Madam."

"Now, if only James were capable of an emotion such as love, I'd be in business."

"C'est la vie, Madam. But as they say, fate can be fickle at times. I wouldn't give up hope."

"No, you're right. It's what I live and breathe."

"Then let us say goodbye, Madam, and good luck."

"Thank you, sir. You've been very kind."

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