Chapter 4: At Sixes and Sevens

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Deep in a Canadian forest, on a river cutting across a country that was once a field of frozen permafrost, floats an old-fashioned showboat in the warmth of the sun. On the forecastle lies a woman. Wearing a one-piece camouflage swimsuit, she lies back on the deck, looking up towards the midday sun with its harsh light glaring down at her. Metallic black sunglasses drink in the light, and hot yellow orbs are reflected in the black-tinted glass.

A camera shutter clicks, and music plays loudly in the background. Several eyes ogle the woman, and voices that belong to nameless people, drink, talk, and stare.

"I think that's that." Said the photographer as the sun was getting past noon. His stiff black hair and neat little goatee resurface from behind the camera.

"Oh, thank God!" Said Tammy. "How did I ever get myself into this."

She slowly picks her damp, sweaty body off the hot sliver filled floor.

"Are you coming to the party?" Said the photographer.

"I don't know, maybe."

"Oh, come on. What else do you have to do?"

"Well, I do have a date with my betrothed, and then there's the society ball... and, oh yes, I'm supposed to go shopping with Princess Catherine."

"You mean Princess Catherin De Novo?"

"The same."

"How do you know her?"

"We met in school. We've been friends ever since."

"I thought all those royal types had private tutors."

"Not all, only those in line for the throne. I believe her older brother had a private tutor."

"How many royals do you know?"

"Well, I guess I know them all. But Princess Catherine is a good friend."

"You say that as if it were an everyday thing... Why do you want this job?"

The photographer eyes the crowd behind her.

"Never mind, stupid question."

"No, it's not that," said Tammy, referring to the crowd, "I think it's because... Well, let's just say I have my own reasons."

"If you say so." Said the photographer; he began to pack up his gear.

She turns to face the crowd and is met by a large round of applause.

"And now it begins." Said the photographer.

Tammy turns to look at him and smiles.

"Fabulous! My dear, you were absolutely gorgeous!" Said the producer of the shoot. She's a petite, former model in a powder blue short skirt and black blouse.

"Thank you, Natalie. Have you seen my robe?"

The dark-haired producer snaps her fingers at an intern and spoke to Tammy:

"You're coming to the party; you simply must come."

"I may stop by afterward if there's time."

"You're joking."

"Sorry, previous engagements, but I will try."

"Please do. Everyone's talking about you, and all the great houses are dying to meet you. Really, I've never seen so much buzz!"

"I'm glad. My robe?"

"Listen, you've got a good chance to call your own shots as a professional model. And you've only just finished your first photo shoot. I can't... Nobody can believe how much interest there is in you. Now take it from me; opportunities like this won't last for long, and If they feel snubbed...

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