Chapter 9: At The Ball

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"George Farrel and Tammera Lyn McMath!" Announced the greeter at the door, and George and Tammy enter a ballroom filled with elites, dignitaries, and government officials. They both interact with the crowd and blend in well until they're almost indistinguishable with everyone else.

As they walk down three short marble steps, they see that the main ballroom is elegantly decorated with small pinpoints of light hovering around the tops of columns. Inside all the arched domes are paintings of Greek and Roman gods. They decorate the ceiling in the classical style but move slowly with the help of the latest graphical technology. The walls are highlighted in gold, and the floor is of the purest white marble.

The men are mainly dressed in black suits and are obscured by a sea of chiffon, silk, and taffeta dresses. Most of the women make a rustling sound when they move.

"Are you as embarrassed about this as I am?" Said George Ferrell. He stands at six foot four and weighs two hundred twenty pounds. His complexion is white, and his hair is straight and brown. "I really wouldn't blame you for turning me down."

"Why are you agreeing to the marriage?" Said Tammy.

"For the same reason you are, my family will disinherit me if I say no." His honey-brown eyes look down to the floor.

"But I've given you cause; your family disapproves of my profession."

"You mean the modeling. Yes, my parents are upset."

"So why don't you reject me? It's not like you're programmed to be in love with me."

"I'm not so lucky in my family's next choice in a mate.

"What do you mean?"

"There's been talk of the countess of Luginspat."

"What's wrong with her?"

"Nothing. I know her. She's a plotter."

"A plotter?"

"Let's just say -- she likes everything about me and can't wait to be married so she can make fundamental changes in my character."

"Oh... Well, then, can't you find another elite?."

"I'm geared to fancy her. There are two others, but they're not royal. It's a peculiar kind of predicament."

"I see. Then why did your family agree to our arrangement?"

"Your biochemistry is at least three grades higher than mine. I must admit, it's an excellent match in my favor, and a good opportunity for our family."

"I think I Get it. Thanks for your honesty."

A few of his friends call his attention elsewhere.

"You will, please, excuse me." Said George as his friends pulled at him.

"Of course." Said Tammy.

It's not long before a few men walk over and ask Tammy for a dance. The Princess, Catherine, beckons for Tammy from off to the side. Tammy acknowledges Cathirine's facial gestures from within the small circle of men around her.

Tammy puts her right hand on one of the gentlemen's shoulders. He whisks her away to the dance floor. After a half dozen dances, Tammy takes a break. She finds the Princess in an adjoining room by the South porch.

"Ah! Tammera Lyn, how good of you to come and see me."

"I'm sorry, I just had to get through a few obligations, but now I'm all yours."

"Delightful. Have you met my fiancé?"

"No, I have not. You mean he's here!"

"Oh, yeah! Let me introduce you." The princess takes Tammy by the hand and leads her to a dark-haired young man. He stands at six foot two, and his hair is jet-black. His dimples become deep when he smiles. "This is my intended, Christopher Dunley."

"Hi!" Says Christopher with his hands in his pockets.

Tammy smiles.

"Isn't he just adorable!" says the princess while putting her arm around Tammy's shoulder and squeezing.

Tammy curtsies for some reason, and the two (Tammy and the Princess) rush off to the balcony laughing and giggling. At the railing, they find themselves alone under the moon and stars.

"Oh, he's a steal! You seem lucky to have found him." Said Tammy.

"I know, he's so... casual."

"Marry him up quick before your family changes their mind."

"I think I will. Meanwhile, I have a little gossip for you!"

Oh? Do spill."

"It would appear that Mister George Farrel is a good guy."

"Have you heard this from your spy?"

"Nope. He has a good reputation from the girls he's dated, and none of them seem to have had a bad word to say. He has a reputation for being kind and gentle, with a tendency to be neat."

"Oh, well, at least that's something."

"Yes, and now you know he's not a hitter."

"What's the bad news?"

"They say he's a bit on the boring side. He'll spend hours organizing and cleaning. And kind of an average grade, society-wise. But his marks were very high in school. If that's what you're into."

"Well... he doesn't hit, and that's a good thing. What do you think?"

"Turn him down and marry that, James Newman. I think he's who you want, and he's cute."

"I don't think he loves me."

"Well, we know George doesn't."

"True. But maybe George knows how to love. I don't think James has it in him."

"Look, do you want my advice?"


"Marry James. You already know how to be friends, so hopefully you'll always have that... And he's rich!"

"I know -- I won't starve. It just feels so cold."

"Well, from what I understand, marriage isn't heaven. And I'm still struggling to keep everything together myself. ...I wish you luck with your decision. And for what it's worth, I think you're right; hold out for love. Money, at this point, can make things worse!"

Just then, a shadowy blur enters the balcony.

"I'm so sorry I was away so long," said George Ferrell, looking slightly worried. "Are you very upset with me?"

"Why, no, not at all. Do you know the princess?" Said Tammy.

"By reputation, of course! I'm honored to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine, I'm sure." Said the Princess.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but would Your Highness care to condescend to join our party?" Said George.

"Very kind of you to ask but no. I can not abandon my party. I've finished with Ms. McMath, and you may have her back... for now. Now run along, Tammera, and do try and remember your place!"

"Yes, Miss," said Tammy with a curtsy. She turned with George and walked back into the ballroom.

As they entered the overly marbled room, George asked:

"That was Princess Catherine! My family is dying for an introduction. They're one of thirteen royal families we've not met."

"Well, now you have; what do you think?"

"Very proper... and so regale! I hope she remembers me. My family would love to be among their social circles."

"Yes, I'm sure they would be glad."

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