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Tw: bullying
This takes place before the show began, when Charlie gets outted. What if Nick stops it and they become friends earlier?

Charlie walked into school, he had just been outted; people somehow found out that he was gay. Everyone was giving him disgusted looks. Charlie was about to get his books from his locker, he yelped as it was slammed shut in front of him.

"So you're gay?" One of the guys asked.

Charlie had to stop himself from rolling his eyes; he knew that would cause more trouble. "As you know, Yes I am." He sassed.

"Oh he's feisty." Another one snorted. Charlie squeaked as he was slammed up against the lockers.

"Is this why you went to an all boy's school? So you can look at everyone's ass?"

Charlie could feel tears begin to form in his eyes. He did expect to get some disgusted looks from people but not harassed.

"You're gross." They continued on with the insults and shoved him again.

What upset Charlie more then being harassed was everyone walking by, not do anything to stop it. Classmates just kept going on with their day, even some teachers. Charlie finally had enough and tried to walk away.

"where are you going?" The guy grabbed Charlie's arm.

"T-to class." Charlie stuttered.

"Awh, You aren't going to get away that easy." They shoved Charlie to the ground and kicked him aimed at the side.


Nick looked around in confusion as he walked in.

Everyone seemed to be gossiping about something. He got a pit in his stomach, this couldn't be good. "Hey, what's going on?" Nick walked over to his friend ish Harry.

"You didn't hear?" Harry laughed and patted nick's shoulder. "God dude you got to pay more attention."

"Didn't hear what?" Nick asked, intrigued.

"Some grade 9 just got outted to the entire school. Charlie Spring, is gay." Harry laughed.

Why was that funny? Nick thought to himself.

"Oh" Nick nodded, raising an eyebrow. He was amused that people found that news about Charlie funny. Nobody should be outted, they should be able to come out on their own. It's pretty serious actually. Nick had a feeling that Charlie was going to get a lot of negative responses about this, since it is an all guy school after all.

Nick knew he had to do something about this. He had to make sure this guy was okay. If people found out that he was bi, he would not know what to do with himself.

Nick excused himself and began to walk down the hallways, looking for Charlie Spring. He's never talked to him before but he knew Charlie was a good guy. He never caused any trouble and didn't deserve this.

Nick froze, what he saw made him want to throw up. There was a group of guys surrounding Charlie. He was curled up on the floor not being able to defend himself. 

Nick looked around in shock, how could anyone just walk by and let this happen?

"Hey!" Nick rushed over and shoved the guy away from charlie. He managed to stop him from kicking Charlie again. "Dude what's your problem?" One of them asked.

"My problem is that you are beating up someone!" Nick shouted in anger. "Did your mom not teach you guys manners growing up?!"

They went quiet, clearly thinking over their decisions.

"But he's gay" one person tried causing Nick to clench his fist. "Get away, now!" Nick demanded, not wanting to get suspended for punching these idiots; Luckily they did rush off. God, people are so idiotic these days.

Nick bent down to Charlie's level, with worried eyes. Charlie has not met eye contact yet so he didn't know if he was okay. "Hey I'm not going to hurt you."

Charlie looked up at Nick and shakily wiped his eyes. Of course he was crying, there was no surprise there he just got beat up. Nick gently helped Charlie up.

"T-thank you." Charlie managed out in a quiet, shaky voice. "Y-you were the first person walking by to do something. Thank you." He rambled out.

Nick gently patted Charlie's shoulder. "Hey don't say sorry. I'm honestly mad at those people who didn't. I couldn't stand watching you get beat up like that. It's awful." He explained.

Charlie smiled weakly and wiped his eyes. "T-Thanks." He sniffled.

"I saw him kick you a couple times, are you injured? Do you need to go to the nurse?" Nick asked in worry.

Charlie shook his head. "I-it doesn't hurt to bad. Probably just going to be bruises is all."

Nick frowned at that. "Let me give you my number, if you are in any trouble again just text me." He assured.

Wow, that was a smooth way to get this guy's number. Nick thought to himself.

"Okay." Charlie sniffled and handed him his phone shakily. "P-please don't leak it or anything. Not that you would." He rambled.

"I would never." Nick assured with a soft smile. "Let me walk you to class."

"Okay." Charlie nodded, feeling safe again. The only good thing about being outted for Charlie Spring if he had to pick one was meeting Nick Nelson.

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