Sunny Day

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A/N: First one-shot of 2024!

Thank you shykidDebs for this idea! If you guys have any ideas/ requests free to message me! I appreciate any ideas, it helps me keep this book going!

Charlie couldn't think of any other way he'd want to spend his day. Walking in the park on a sunny day, holding his boyfriend's hand, with Nellie bouncing along beside them. They had finished a long day of school and Nick complained how he needed fresh air, so of course they decided to take Nellie on a walk. Nellie had to go out anyway.

Charlie chuckled as Nick swung their hands back and forth as they walked, he had love shining in his eyes.

"You're such a dork." He teased him.

Nick snorted in amusement, "That's the third time you called me a dork this week." He informed as they stopped so Nellie could sniff along the path.

"You're keeping track?" Charlie laughed at that, a genuine laugh, he hadn't felt this happy in a while.

Only Nick could make him feel like this.

Nick nodded with a hum, "Yup."

Charlie rolled his eyes and nudged Nick playfully. "Haha. I bet you 5 dollars that I won't call you a dork for the rest of the weekend." he challenged.

"Deal." Nick snickered, knowing that he was going to win that bet.

Before they began to walk again after Nellie was done sniffing, a girl walked up to them.

Charlie stepped closer to Nick as if he was preparing for an attack, tensing.

Nick rubbed Charlie's hip to ensure that the girl didn't look like she was going to cause any trouble. He didn't blame Charlie for being cautious though.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you guys but are you dating?" The girl wondered.
She had dark brown hair the length of her shoulders. She was wearing a blue hoodie and light blue jeans, on the curvier side, she seemed harmless

"Yes, we are," Nick answered proudly.

Charlie couldn't help but blush softly, he was so proud of Nick. Just a couple of months ago Nick couldn't admit to anyone that he was bi, now he was announcing that they're a couple to a stranger. Nellie sniffed at the girl's feet in curiosity.

"Aw, I thought so! I just wanted to say that you guys are an adorable couple." She rambled with a soft smile.

Charlie squeezed Nick's hand in relief. Thank god, he got so scared that she was going to be homophobic.

"Thank you." Charlie replied, "That means so much. You don't know how many people make mean comments about us."

"Yeah! It sucks that there is still homophobia in the world. Love is love. It shouldn't matter to others." The girl smiled at them.

Nick wanted to hug her so bad, but he knew that would be a bit weird to hug a stranger.

"Yeah, it shouldn't." He agreed, Nick couldn't help but feel so happy that she took time out of her day to compliment them.

"Well, I should get going." She adjusted her purse and was about to walk away, but Charlie stopped her. "Wait! What's your name?" He asked, wanting to know so he could tell everyone about it.

"I'm Deb." Deb smiled at them before walking off. Charlie turned to Nick, "That was so nice of her." He gushed.

Nick nodded with a bright smile as they began to walk again. "For real. I wish more people were like that." Charlie nodded and leaned into Nick as they got back to his house. "Can I tell Sarah what happened!!" He squeaked excitedly, wanting to be the one to tell her.

Nick chuckled and nodded as he opened the door, Nellie trotted over to Sarah happily once Nick took off her harness.

"Oh hi, boys! How was the walk?" Sarah asked as she sipped her mug of tea.

Charlie walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He felt so comfortable at the Nelson's house now. "It was great! A girl named Deb stopped to tell us how cute of a couple we were." He explained. 

Sarah smiled at that, relieved that nothing bad had happened, "How sweet of her. Must have been a good walk."

"It was very good." Nick agreed, he didn't say it out loud but the walk would have been good even if Deb hadn't stopped to compliment them since he was with Nellie and Charlie. 

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