Rainbow Pin pt.2

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"Good practice guys! Wear those pins proud!" Coach Singh called as the practice was over. Nick was smiling brightly as he walked into the locker room, he had never been this happy with his rugby mates before; he finally felt supported by them.

The fact they did this for his boyfriend was a big deal. "I'm going to wear this pin all day!!" Christian chirped as the group of boys walked into the locker room. Otis rolled his eyes, "I bet you're going to take it off in two hours." He teased. 

Nick chuckled and changed back into his school uniform, making sure to put the pin on his jacket where it was the most noticeable. "I got to head to class guys, thanks again so much for doing this!" He called out as he left the locker room.

Nick was about to walk into algebra but stumbled to the side, caught off guard as a teacher pulled him back. Ah, there she is, Mrs.Winchester. The one who got Charlie suspended over the rainbow pin in the first place.

"Mr.Nelson, what is on your uniform jacket?" Mrs.Winchester demanded as if she couldn't see the pin that was right in front of her. Nick had to fight himself to not roll his eyes.

"It's an LGBTQ rainbow pin," Nick stated he fiddled with his backpack strap anxiously as she stared at it.

"Take that off. It's against the school rules to wear a pin on your uniform jacket." Mrs.Winchester stated.

Nick usually was a people pleaser and had a hard time saying no to people.

But when it came to someone who got his boyfriend in trouble for nothing he was going to do something about it.

"I'm not going to take it off," Nick said in annoyance. "It's a pin, I don't see what the issue you have with it is. I'm going to be late to class because you are arguing with me about a pin." He ranted.

Mrs.Winchester sighed and was about to argue when Otis and Sai walked over, both still wearing the pin as well. Nick smiled in relief at his friends.

"Ma'am, if you get us ALL in trouble it's going to look more bad for you." Otis pointed out as the rest of the rugby team walked over with Mr.Ajayi.

Mrs.Winchester looked at them, before shaking her head and walking off not wanting to look bad.

"I'm so glad you guys told her off, she had been bothering me for years about my pins and lgbt flags in my art classroom." Mr.Ajayi told them with a soft smile. He was proud of how far the school had come with acceptance of the LGBTQ community.

A year ago the old rugby team wouldn't go near his classroom, now they are wearing pride pins. Mr.Ajayi felt so proud of his students.

"Now get to class you guys are late. If any of the teachers give you a problem about being late have them call me." Mr.Ajayi assured.

Nick nodded and began to walk to class. He couldn't wait to get home to tell
all about his day. The school day felt so weird without Charlie by his side.

A/N: okay I find this chapter to be so cringe 😂 I hope it's not too bad! It's not the best 😅!

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