Mommy Issues

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A/N: I felt like writing about Charlie's issues with Jane so I hope you guys like it!

TW: slight mention of sh

Jane drew a sharp breath, "No you can't have Nick over Charlie. You need to do your homework first." She said. "What if I did my homework already?" Charlie raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

"You just had him over yesterday. Do you need him over again?" Jane asked.

Charlie stared at his mom, he didn't understand why she was giving him a hard time about having his boyfriend over. "Yes, I just want to hang out with my boyfriend. What's the big deal??"

"The big deal is I don't want you to rely on Nick so much," Jane said.

That felt like a slap to the face. Yes, he did rely on Nick; Nick was his favorite person other than Tori. He was the reason he smiled most of the time and forgot about his problems. He didn't understand why Jane thought of that as a bad thing. He still got good grades and did his school work, he tried his best to impress her but he felt like he wasn't good enough.

"Oh, so it's not okay for me to rely on my boyfriend?" Charlie quizzed, trying so hard not to snap. "Nick is one of the reasons why I get out of bed each day. He makes me smile, when I'm with him, all my problems just go away. He makes me feel normal! He doesn't walk on eggshells around me like I'm some broken mess!! I love him, Mom! And yes, I do want to spend each afternoon with him but it's better than me doing something stupid after school when I'm alone!" He shouted.

"Okay, that's enough!" Jane scolded. "I just don't want you to rely on Nick so much as an escape. What about when he goes away to university, huh? What are you going to do then?"

Charlie had teary eyes at this point, why did she have to bring that up? "Yes it's going to be hard but Nick promised me that it's going to work and I trust him! Why are you giving me such a hard time??!" His voice shook as he spoke.

Jane sighed deeply and rubbed her face, "I'm trying to get you to see that long-distance relationships don't work most of the time and I don't want you to get your heart broken." She pointed out.

Charlie let the tears fall, and he wiped his eyes, "Just...Whatever." He was tired of arguing. He was exhausted, he pulled on his shoes and tried to grab a hoodie but Jane stopped him by grabbing his arm. "Where do you think you're going?"

"To Nick's." Charlie seethed and yanked his arm back, he was crying at this point. "I don't get you, mom. You want me to be happy but whenever I am you bring up whatever I'm doing wrong. Being long-distance with Nick doesn't make me feel bad, but when you bring up how you think it won't work that's what hurts. If you just want to argue with me about it I'm going to be the mature one and leave." Charlie grabbed his hoodie and walked out the door.

His mind was blank on the way to Nick's house; all he heard was Static

The way his mom talked about his relationship with Nick made him want to run away from home and never return. Maybe he was being dramatic, but he just wanted his mom to love and expect him. Was that too much to ask?

"Oh! Hi hun." Sarah greeted as she opened the front door.

They have gotten close over the year that Charlie has been with her son, and now she treats him as if he was one of her own. Charlie adored that about Sarah, she made him feel so safe.

The Nelson household was becoming his safe space.

"Hey, I'm sorry I know I should have texted before I came over I just..." That's when he broke. He broke down crying and hid his face in embarrassment.

Sarah had big eyes and pulled Charlie inside and hugged him softly.

Charlie hugged back and slowly calmed down, he was glad she didn't judge him for breaking down in front of her on her doorstep but he knew Sarah would never judge him.

"Nick is out with Sai, Otis, and Christian right now but you are welcome to stay and wait for him to get home," Sarah assured and walked into the kitchen to make some tea.

Charlie sat down on the couch and smiled softly as Nellie laid her chin on his lap with a worried whine. Charlie pet Nellie. "Okay, I know I should've texted."

"Oh please, you're welcome here anytime like I said," Sarah assured.

"Thank you," Charlie whispered and took a deep breath to calm down. "I got into a fight with my mom and I needed a break from her." He explained.

Sarah sat with Charlie and gave him a mug of tea. She had gotten him a C mug to match Nick's N mug for Christmas earlier that year, he loved her for that.

"I'm sorry you got into a fight with your mom hun, do you want to talk about it?" Sarah offered, rubbing his back in a comforting way.

Charlie took a sip of the tea, "my mom is just always so hard on me. I don't know what I did. She thinks whatever I do is a huge mistake and tries to correct me on it." He explained the best he could. Sarah had big soft eyes as she listened, "Well...As a mom, I bet she is just worried about you. But that's no excuse for putting so much stress on you. If you want, I can talk to her and try to smooth things over."

"Yeah, you're right." Charlie agreed and leaned back into the couch a bit more, "If you're comfortable doing that it would be a big help. I don't want to put you in that position if-" he tried to ramble. Sarah chuckled softly, "It's fine Charlie I want to help." She assured.

If on cue, Nick got home. He put his bag by the door and took off his shoes, "Hi Mom! I'm home-" He was about to say and stopped in surprise as he saw her sitting with Charlie. His whole face lit up like an excited golden retriever, he ran over and tackled Charlie into a hug picking him up.

Charlie squealed out and clung to Nick as he spun him around with a laugh.

"I didn't know that you were here," Nick said, not in an annoyed way but in a curious way. "Sorry," Charlie said softly, "I know I should've texted but I needed a break from my mom so I came over." He rambled out.

Nick pouted and hugged Charlie close, kissing his forehead. "No Sword! I'm glad you're here."

Charlie smiled softly and sunk into Nick's arms, hiding in his shoulder.

"Why don't you stay for dinner." Sarah offered and got up, "I'll call your mom to let her know."

"Thank you," Charlie said and leaned into Nick, wanting to be as close to him as possible. "How was your time with Christian, Otis, and Sai?" He quizzed.

"Good!" Nick chirped, as he wrapped his arms around Charlie's waist. "I'm glad you're here though. I need to recharge."

Charlie blushed and kissed Nick as Sarah was in the kitchen. "You're adorable."

Nick kissed back and hid in Charlie's neck, "Why don't you stay the night?" He offered, rubbing Charlie's hip.

"If your mom's okay with that," Charlie replied he was hoping she would be he did not want to go home. "Of course I am!!" Sarah called from the kitchen. "I'll let your mom know." Charlie sighed in relief and sunk into Nick's arms. All his problems washed away as he did so.

Fuck, was he going to miss Nick when Nick was away at university, he just had to soak up all the time he had with his boyfriend now.

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