Dirty Rugby

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TW: homophobia, violence, slurs

With big eyes, Charlie stood off to the side of the field during the rugby game. This was a time when he was grateful to be a reserve. He winced as he had watched Christian get tackled down by a guy twice his size when he tried to score a try. They were losing badly.  Charlie had to look at his boyfriend to make sure he was okay. Nick stood in the middle of the field with his arms crossed, and he had a determined look on his face. Even when they were losing, Nick tried his best to keep good spirits and cheer everyone else on the team up to make sure they were playing in a good mood. That's why he was the team captain, after all... God, was Nick hot when he played rugby.

How did Charlie get so lucky?

Charlie realized he got caught staring when Nick glanced and sent him a soft smirk. "Like what you see, Spring?" Nick called, doing a twirl.

Charlie giggled and hid his face in embarrassment; he did.

Why were they like this?

Some teammates from the other team let out a few laughs directed at them. This caused Charlie's anxiety to ache in his chest, and flashes of bullying went through his mind. He shook his head and tried to focus back on the game.

The keyword was tried, too. He sat on the bench when his legs got sore from standing up so long. He didn't hear two guys from the other team walk up to him, "So, what's it like being gay?" The taller one asked.

Charlie looked up and sighed. Oh, how he's heard that insult many times. "It's alright. Don't you have a game to go back to? Or are you more interested in flirting with me?" He scuffed.

"We wouldn't want to flirt with a guy. We're not f*gg*ts. I especially wouldn't do it with someone as skinny as you. You should eat more." The shorter one snarled. Charlie's face fell. He knew he shouldn't let their comment get to him, but he was not expecting that. "Please, just leave me alone." He begged, tired of their bullshit.

They laughed; Charlie knew that meant they wouldn't leave him alone. He felt like someone was watching over him, staring at him across the rugby field.

Charlie glanced up and couldn't help but smile as he saw Nick, looking more like a protective German Shepherd ready to pounce to protect their owner from a predator rather than a Golden retriever. Charlie was about to give Nick a slight thumbs up to assure him that he was okay but was caught off guard, stumbling to the ground off the bench when the taller guy shoved him hard. This caused a few heads to turn their way.

"What's going on? Is there a problem over here?" Coach Singh demanded, walking over to them with her arms crossed. She never took bullying lightly. 'Thank god. Bless this saint.' Charlie thought to himself.

Coach Singh started to argue with the two homophobic asses. As the game was paused, Nick took this opportunity to rush over to Charlie. He held his hand out to help his boyfriend, and Charlie gratefully took it. "Are you okay, luv?" Nick whispered; he had worry shining in his eyes.

Charlie nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm okay." He assured, gripping Nick's hand to ground himself again.

"Can you stop them from flirting in front of us? It's disgusting!" The taller one argued with Coach Singh. Charlie rubbed his head, which started to throb in pain. Nick tried to lunge at them, but Charlie gently stopped him, saying, "They're not worth it, Babe." He urged.

"You're right.." Nick looked at Charlie with adoration. No matter how wrong the bullying was, Charlie would never sink to their level, and Nick adored that about his boyfriend.

The two homophobes, as Charlie now calls them, stormed off the field. Coach Singh told Nick and Charlie, "I banned them from playing in this game if that's how they are going to treat my players." She gave them a soft smile, "You guys alright?"

Nick nodded and glanced at Charlie, "I am miss." Charlie assured.

"That's my boys. Alright, Nick, go back onto the field!" Coach Singh ordered, giving Nick a good pat on the back.

Before entering the field, Nick paused and kissed Charlie deeply, cupping his face. Charlie kissed back; he was as red as a tomato, completely flustered.

"I don't care what anyone says, Charlie. You're my boyfriend, and I'm going to show you off. I don't care who sees it." Nick hummed, kissing Charlie's cheek before he ran off onto the field to rejoin the game.

Charlie sat back on the bench, stunned. He never thought he was going to have anyone as good as Nick....

And yet he did.

A/N: hope you guys liked it! :) x

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