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Tw: mention of assault, Ben, anxiety

Charlie hummed along to the radio as he wiped down the counters of the cafe he worked at.

"Morning!" Charlie greeted his coworker Ash, chuckling as she grumbled a response. He learned that she wasn't a morning person. He got lucky with his coworker, she joked she wanted a gay best friend and they instantly clicked.

"I made this knowing you'll need it." Charlie handed Ash her favorite coffee.

Ash giggled and took the coffee. "char! you are a lifesaver!!"

"Only Nick can call me that." Charlie grumbled.

"Right, your golden retriever boyfriend that you don't shut up about." Ash teased.
Charlie rolled his eyes playfully and made sure all the machines were on. He made himself a coffee since no costumers were in yet.

"Oh wow" Ash squeaked and nudged Charlie on the shoulder gently.

"What?" Charlie chuckled at that, not looking up from making his coffee yet.

"The most handsome guy I've ever seen just walked in here." Ash fangirled.

"You say that about most of the guys." Charlie teased. Ash rolled her eyes with a laugh.  He set his coffee aside and walked up to the cash to get ready to great the costumer.

"Charlie?" A familiar voice asked.

Charlie froze, his face went pale as he looked up and realized who it was,


Charlie had not seen or spoken to Ben since Nick rescued him from the music room about a year ago or so ago. Flashes of the assault went through his mind as he stared at Ben, frozen like a deer in headlights.

"Do you two know each other?" Ash asked, confused on Charlie's sudden panic.

"Uhm, yeah we went to school together." Ben managed out.

'Yeah. That's how we know each other. You didn't go out with me secretly and then and assault and use me.' Charlie thought to himself. His flight instincts screaming at him to take his break early.

Charlie felt like breaking down any second as he looked at Ben.

"C-can you take over the cash register?" Charlie practically begged Ash as he felt tears whelm in his eyes. A panic attack was itching at his skin.

"Oh! Yes! take your break early." Ash suggested in surprise, she had never seen Charlie like this before.

"Pathetic." Ben mumbled to himself loud enough for Charlie to hear.

Charlie rushed to the back room, trying to breathe. He didn't want to have a panic attack in the middle of his shift, but it was happening.
He couldn't help it, not after seeing Ben and flashes of that assault over and over. He sat down on the ground, trying to breathe in and out to calm his flight instincts. He did the first thing that came to his mind,

calling Nick.

"Babe? Are you okay? Aren't you supposed to be at a shift?" Nick picked up after the first ring. He was always good at answering his phone when it came to Charlie. Also since his boyfriend never called at this time of the day, something had to be up.

"P-Panic attack." Charlie managed out through shaky breaths. He felt embarrassed, not knowing how else to explain his feelings.

"Okay! Okay, Let's do one of the breathing exercises that Geoff taught us. Okay?" Nick asked in a calm voice. Charlie shakily wiped his eyes, yes, yeah that's a good idea.

Nick didn't ask what was wrong. He knew that asking  triggered Charlie's panic attack more. Nick sat through a session with Geoff, he wanted to learn how to help his boyfriend the best he could. He began to lead the breathing exercise to help Charlie calm down.

Charlie took deep breaths as Nick told him to; inhale for 3, exhale for 3. Inhale, exhale.

"You okay?" Nick wondered  over a few minutes of silence. "Y-yeah, yes I am." Charlie sniffled and wiped his eyes as tears rolled down his cheek.

"What happened luv? Do you Want to talk about it?" Nick asked trying to stay calm and not go into protective mode.

"B-Ben. I saw Ben. He came into the cafe." Charlie wiped his eyes again as more tears fell.

Nick froze and his jaw tensed. Ben, the guy who traumatized Charlie and put him through shit he didn't deserve.

"Do you want me to come to the cafe?" Nick had already got up to put on his shoes and get his keys.

"Yes please. I don't feel safe." Charlie got up and wiped his eyes once more. He took a deep breath trying to calm down since his break had to be done by now.

"Okay luv I'm on my way I'll be there in 15 minutes." Nick rambled out and hung up since he got in his car.
Charlie smiled weakly, how did he get so lucky with Nick?

"Charlie?" Ash peaked into the break room she had worried eyes. "You okay?"

"Y-yeah. Yeah, I'm fine thanks for letting me take my break early." Charlie's voice still shaky after the panic attack.

"The guy is still out there he wants to talk to you." Ash explained, not really getting the hint.

Charlie tensed at that, Ben wanted to talk to him. He anxiously flapped his hands against his sides trying to regain control of his mind and not have a panic attack again.

"I-I don't want to go out there." Charlie managed out. "Not while he's there. Please tell me when he leaves. Please."

"charlie breathe, it's okay." Ash assured and hugged Charlie gently knowing he needed it. Charlie hugged back and nodded.

Nick walked into the cafe he needed to comfort charlie and make sure he's okay, seeing that asshole again.

"Ben." Nick clenched his jaw as he spotted the guy sitting by the counter. He was clearly waiting for Charlie to walk out of the break room. It made Nick feel sick with anger.

"Nick." Ben nodded. "Can we forget about what happened?" He tried to ask but Nick didn't let him finish. He grabbed Ben and slammed him up against the wall, causing the other costumers in the cafe to look over.

"Forget what happened!? You assaulted charlie. Do you know how much you traumatized him?." Nick demanded.

Ben stared at Nick nervously he knew this wasn't going to end well. "Let me go-" he tried to say. Charlie rushed out of the break room after hearing Nick's voice rise in anger.

"Nick." Charlie gently pulled Nick off of Ben, not wanting his boyfriend to get in trouble because of him.

As soon as Nick let go of Ben, Ben ran out of the cafe.

"Thank you for coming over." Charlie walked into Nick's arms, clinging onto him. Nick pulled Charlie close and kissed his forehead softly.

"I'll always love. Whenever you need me I'll be here." Nick assured, kissing Charlie softly. Charlie melted into Nick's arms and hid in Nick's shoulder, finally feeling safe again.

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