Bad Day

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Tw: mentions of eating disorder, anxiety

As soon as Charlie woke up, he knew it was going to be a bad day. It took him a bit to long to get out of bed, to the point where his mom yelled at him to hurry up.

The teenager froze as he saw the time and rushed to his bathroom. If he didn't do his exact morning routine with his OCD his brain would scream at him. He began to brush his teeth and brush his hair, shaking as he did so.

"Charlie!! Hurry or you are going to miss the bus!" Jane called from downstairs.

Charlie huffed and rushed to get dressed, not being able to make sure he looked okay. He felt so gross for not being able to wash his face, he chose brushing his teeth over it so Nick wouldn't at least have to kiss him with stinky breath.

"Eat this on the bus. Geoff wouldn't be happy with you if you miss breakfast, yet again." Jane tossed over a protein bar.

Charlie took a deep shaky breath as he caught it with shaky hands. He put it in his bag and pulled on his shoes. "Yeah, okay." He managed out before walking out the door. He knew that Jane meant well, but pressuring him to eat did not help his eating disorder.

Charlie sat on the bus on his usual seat besides Tori. Tori looked at her brother with a raised eyebrow as he seemed anxious. "You okay?"

"Of course why wouldn't I be?" Charlie blurted out a bit to fast for Tori's liking, but she didn't push it. She knew that would make him even more anxious. Tori just nodded and looked out the window.

Nicky❤️: good morning babes <3

Charlie smiled to himself. He never thought he'd be in a relationship for this long, for about a year. He didn't think he was lovable even, but Nick proved him wrong so far.

Char: morning  xx

He knew his text seemed dry in response. He didn't have the energy to be all lovey this morning he hoped Nick understood.

Nicky❤️: see you soon! Xx

Charlie got off of the bus taking off his earbuds.
He smiled softly as he saw Nick waiting for him by the school gate. How did he get so lucky?

"Babe!" Nick squeaked out excitedly.

Nick really was like a golden retriever. How did he have that much energy in the morning?

"Hi." Charlie walked into Nick's arms, hugging his waist. He hid in Nick's neck feeling safe again.

"Hey." Nick hummed, pulling Charlie close. "You okay? You seem a bit, shaky?" He asked in concern. 

"Not good morning." Charlie explained the best he could. He fiddled with Nick's hand.

"Awh." Nick pouted. He kissed Charlie's forehead in comfort. "Class." Charlie leaned into Nick's touch. Nick nodded and walked with Charlie into school.

Nick knew that when Charlie was mentally exhausted, he didn't have the energy to talk much. He found it weird in the beginning of the relationship, but once he did more research  about depression it was normal.

Once they both got to math class Nick made sure to sit next to Charlie. He gently rubbed Charlie's thy under their desks.

Nick teased Charlie that they were in the same class, since he was a "nerd."
It was a higher level algebra meant for seniors but Charlie was smart enough to be moved up.

"Mr.Spring may I speak to you for a second?" Their teacher called up. Charlie got up in confusion and walked over to her desk, "yeah?"

"You didn't do to well on the last quiz." She handed the test over to Charlie. Charlie stared at the paper, C-.

"You can retake it." The teacher assured, she watched in confusion as Charlie rushed out of the room.

Nick got up with worry and followed Charlie out of the room. "Hey, hey? babe, what's wrong?" He asked, pulling Charlie back. Charlie was on the verge of a panic attack. With how his morning was already going, and now the bad grade he couldn't take it.

Charlie shakily showed Nick the paper, unable to respond.

"Oh!" Nick nodded "that's okay Char,, it's okay, just breathe it's only a grade." He assured, hugging his boyfriend close.

"B-But its-" Charlie tried to say but just sighed and hid in his boyfriend's chest slowly calming down.

"Do you want to go home early? You look exhausted. I can drive you." Nick offered, rubbing Charlie's side gently.

"Please." Charlie begged. "Can you stay with me too?" He asked in a soft tone that Nick couldn't say no too.

"Of course." Nick assured, kissing Charlie's forehead as they walked out of school. Nick would do practically anything to cheer Charlie up, and if that meant skipping the rest of the school day he didn't mind that either.

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