Saved By Ex

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TW: drunk, drugged, sexual assault

Charlie stared at himself in the mirror, why even try anymore? He was tired; so tired. Nick had broken up with him just before he left for university, claiming the reason why was that long distance would be too stressful for the both of them. But Charlie knew it was bullshit. The real reason had to be because he was too complicated to date with all of his mental health problems- He was too clingy and relied on Nick too much. Now a week after the breakup instead of moping around in his bed under the covers all day, Tao and Elle were dragging him along to a club. Maybe a fling/hookup would feel good after the breakup? Charlie hoped so, he felt like shit and was desperate for a mood change.

'Here!' Elle had messaged. Charlie grabbed his phone and dark denim jean jacket to match his black skinny jeans and fitted dark grey v-neck before rushing downstairs. He pulled on his usual black and white Converse before walking out to Tao's car. "Charlie! Glad you can join us instead of moping around about your breakup." Tao hummed, earning a smack on the shoulder from Elle and a roll of his eyes from Charlie in response. "Don't bring it up, Tao! Charlie probably just wants to have fun and forget," Elle said.

"I do. Gunna drink my problems away!" Charlie hummed in a fake happy tone. Elle patted Charlie's arm gently, "We shall join you." She assured with a smile.

Once they got to the club, Charlie went straight to the bar to avoid the crowd. "Soda with a bit of vodka." He ordered. The bartender nodded and began to make the drink.

"I can buy that for you." A guy sitting beside him smiled in a flirty way. Charlie turned to him, the stranger had dark hair and green eyes; the total opposite of Nick. He was attractive, but not as pretty as Nick.

"Sure!" Charlie scooted his chair closer to try to show he was interested. "What are you doing here all alone?" The stranger asked, their thys were brushing up against each other causing Charlie to blush. He forgot what it was like to meet someone new since he had been with Nick for a while.

"Getting over a breakup," Charlie answered and took a sip of his drink. He didn't realize it was a little bubbly and white had mixed in with the original color; the stranger had drugged his drink.

"Well, I can help you with that." The guy hummed. Charlie giggled and that was weird since he usually doesn't giggle. He began to feel off. His mind got all fuzzy.

Charlie didn't even register that he was being pulled to the back room by the guy he didn't know. Alarm bells went off in his mind as the door shut, oh god. "No." Charlie managed to say his mind began to spin. He felt a hand grip his waist, attempting to pull him to the bed. "No!" He repeated, shouting the best he could hoping someone would hear as they walked by. It's Ben all over again...maybe this was a sign he shouldn't date at all.


"Hey, where's Charlie?" Elle shouted over the music to Tao.

"Oh, The last time I saw him he was at the bar. I don't know where he is now." Tao sighed. "Shit." Elle went into panic mode and grabbed Tao's hand, yanking him through the crowd. Tao motioned to the back room in worry, which wasn't shut before they couldn't find Charlie. Oh fuck, this wasn't good.

Tao stormed into the room causing the stranger to stagger away from Charlie, who was slumped against the bed; drugged. Tao punched the guy the hardest he could as Elle gently helped Charlie out of the room. Charlie stumbled against her and fell to the ground. Elle rubbed her face as Charlie burst into giggles, completely oblivious to what was going on.

"Neither of us is going to be able to carry Charlie to the car. What do we do?" Elle sighed to Tao, who had a guilty expression. "I already called Nick...he knows what to do with Charlie in these situations." He chuckled nervously.

"God, hopefully, Charlie doesn't hate us in the morning," Elle grumbled as she watched a familiar golden retriever-like dirty blonde run into the bar.

Nick had a worried expression as he noticed his now ex on the floor, leaning up against the wall barely able to keep his eyes open. "What happened?" Nick ordered. He bent down to Charlie who couldn't register what was happening.

Charlie looked up at Nick with big eyes and gasped, "You came back to me!?" He slurred. "I'm just here to help." Nick regretted his choice of words as Charlie frowned with teary eyes, he was an emotional drunk.

"Why didn't you guys keep a better eye on him?" Nick turned to Tao and Elle, crossing his arms in annoyance.

"He went to get a drink! The last time we saw him he was at the bar. The guy who drugged him must've convinced Charlie to go to the back room." Elle said in defense.

Nick tried hard not to feel jealous at the fact that Charlie was already ready to move on since he was the one who broke them up in the first place.

Nick gently picked Charlie up and carried him to the car. He was kinda annoyed at Tao and Elle for dragging him into this situation with Charlie.

Part of Nick was grateful he could help keep Charlie safe. He did miss Charlie a lot but long distance would be too stressful for the both of them.

"Let's get you home," Nick told Charlie. He bit his lip as Charlie sank into his arms and clung onto him, whining in protest as he tried to put him down into the car.

"He missed you, Nick," Tao said softly as they all were now in the car. Nick nodded and made sure that Chsrlie was buckled in before walking back to his car with a sigh. He rubbed his face roughly. Should he reach out to Charlie in the morning to make sure he's okay, or just leave it?


Charlie groaned as he woke up with a pounding headache the next morning. He looked up at Elle who sat beside him on his bed. She handed him Advil and a cup of tea.

"God...What happened last night?" Charlie wondered and winced at the sunlight.

"You got drugged at the club we went to," Elle explained. "Uhm, so, we needed help getting you home safe. We had to call Nick." She then said nervously. Charlie froze, how embarrassing was he? His ex had to carry him to the car when he was wasted. He checked his phone to see a message from Nick that was sent a couple of hours ago.

"How could you guys call Nick? I've tried so hard not to talk to him since the breakup." Charlie rubbed his head, taking a sip of the tea after he took the Advil.

"I figured you'd be mad," Elle sighed. "you were drugged up Charlie, you couldn't even walk. We had to carry you out to the car somehow and neither Tao nor I could do so. We knew Nick would be able to carry you I'm sorry." She rambled.

Charlie hugged Elle, "I get it, thanks for taking care of me Elle." he stared at the message Nick had sent. "You should reply to his text, he's probably worried." Elle gave her opinion. Charlie nodded and fiddled with his phone, thinking about what to say in response.

Char: thank you so much for the help last night. I'm sorry Tao and Elle dragged you into that. It's embarrassing that you had to see me like that, I hope I didn't say anything too crazy while wasted 😅

Charlie anxiously tapped his foot and looked at Elle as they waited for a response.  Elle gave him an encouraging smile

Nick: correction you were drugged not wasted. But no you didn't say anything embarrassing

Charlie stared at his phone trying not to let his eyes water, god he missed Nick so much that a text can make him emotional.

Char: okay good. I hope you are doing okay I miss you

Charlie cursed and was about to erase the message but gasped as Elle grabbed his phone and sent it. "No! Now he's going to think I'm pathetic for missing him!" He whined.

Elle smirked as she looked at Nick's reply. She read it out loud, "I miss you too. I hope your doing good as well."

Charlie smiled with a blush as he sipped his tea. "He misses me." He mumbled to himself, maybe they won't be broken up for long after all.

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