I dont want to be there

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A/N: First one shot with season 2 out!! Hope you guys like it and that the ending isn't too cringe

Most of the dialogue is quoting from the show, so credit to Alice!
I wanted to write out this scene because it meant a lot to me to watch Charlie stand up to Ben!

Tw: Ben Hope

"Do you remember the first time
you kissed me?" Charlie asked, staring at Ben. He knew that Nick was standing behind him in a protective way, so it gave him the support and courage he needed to stand up for himself against Ben.

Ben nodded, his face light up with some sort of hope that maybe things would work out.

"You didn't even ask. You didn't pause to wonder whether it was what I wanted. And I went along with it because I had a crush and I didn't know any better. I didn't realize that you had all the control," Charlie took a shaky breath.

Ben's face fell, that hope vanished once Charlie continued on.

"When I eventually did realize I thought, this must be what I deserve. Someone taking whatever he wants from me whenever he wants. Treating me like I'm nothing the rest of the time."

Ben was about to say something, but Charlie didn't let him.

"And now whenever anything good happens in my life there's a little voice in the back of my mind telling me I'm worthless. And I don't deserve it. And now you want me to forgive you so that you can feel better about yourself!? I'm glad you realize what you did was wrong but you don't get to ambush me into forgiving you. Sorry doesn't make up for everything you did to me. I really hope you become a better person so you don't hurt anyone else. But I don't want to be there to see that happen. I don't want to see you ever again." Charlie ranted.

The young teenager didn't want Ben to have power over him anymore. He thought when he spoke to Ben at sports day that would be enough, now he had to be more blunt and stern about wanting to be left alone.

Charlie took Nick's hand and walked away with him, not looking back to see Ben's reaction. He let out a shaky breath that he's been holding in the whole conversation and hid in Nick's shoulder as they stopped after they got far enough away.

"I'm so fucking proud of you." Nick said softly and kissed his forehead.
That's all Charlie needed to feel better. Charlie nodded and leaned into his boyfriend, feeling mentally exhausted. "Can we go home?" He begged. Nick nodded, he grabbed his hand and pulled Charlie to his car gently. He couldn't put in words how proud of Charlie he was, to be able to stand up to Ben like that. He knew that had to have been hard for Charlie.

"You okay?" Nick wondered as he drove, the drive home was silent. He knew Charlie's head can get loud and wanted to make sure he was okay.

"I've never been better," Charlie admitted, looking at Nick. "I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders after I talked to Ben. I'm hoping for one last time. If that makes sense." He rambled.

"Of course that makes sense," Nick assured, squeezing Charlie's knee as he pulled into the driveway of his house. "If he goes near you again I'll END him." He grumbled.

Charlie giggled and kissed Nick's cheek as they got out of the car. He didn't know what he'd do without Nick.

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