So Jealous

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A/N: Thank you so much JayMari-lyn for the idea! If you guys have any more ideas for one-shots feel free to message me!! Xx

Charlie sighed deeply as he walked into the crowded room, the loud music making his head pound in pain.

The young teenager had never been a fan of parties, the thought of going to one made him cringe. But now that his boyfriend Nick was away at university, parties were the easiest way they could see each other in between the distance of Truham and Leeds. They agreed to meet up that weekend. Unfortunately, Charlie got there first and was waiting for Nick.

Charlie managed to get through the crowd to the messy ass kitchen to make himself a drink. Nick better make it up to him with a bunch of kisses later...

"Hello, what are you doing all alone in my kitchen?" The girl who was throwing the party hummed.

Charlie jumped in surprise, almost spilling his drink. "Oh, sorry I was just getting a drink." He rambled, fiddling with his red solo cup. Charlie's flight instincts were starting to kick in as the skinny fake-ass blonde stepped closer to him in a flirting way. Was she flirting with him?

"Oh, you don't have to apologize for getting a drink silly." The girl giggled and rubbed Charlie's arm causing him to tense. he only wanted Nick to touch him that way. He let out an awkward laugh. Where was Nick?

"Let's go dance." Before Charlie could say no, she pulled him to the dance floor without his consent. He chewed his lip, just wanting to disappear. He felt so uncomfortable. "I'd rather not," Charlie mumbled with an annoyed sigh.

Char💙: where are you?

Charlie texted Nick as he was being pulled to the dance floor.

Nicky💛: just pulling up!

Charlie sighed in relief as he saw Nick's response.

"I got to go find my boyfriend-" he tried to say but oofed as the blonde grabbed his arms to dance along to the beat of the music. Charlie wanted to scream out that he was gay but he also didn't want to embarrass her in front of everyone.

"What's going on here?" Thank god, Nick was coming to his rescue again.

"I was just dancing with this cute guy." The girl answered with a hum. Charlie looked at Nick with a 'help me' expression.

"Well, that cute guy you are dancing with happens to be MY boyfriend," Nick grumbled.

"He didn't tell me!" The blonde tried to say in her defense. "I tried to but you didn't let me!" Charlie squeaked in frustration.

Nick pulled him away from the girl gently. "Just leave my boyfriend alone," Nick told the girl and watched as she stormed off. He didn't like seeing her dance with Charlie. Nick didn't like the fact that she was flirting with HIS boyfriend. He didn't blame her, he knew how attractive Charlie was and how other people looked over at him when they walked by.

Nick wrapped his arms around Charlie's waist and held him close, "Mine." He grumbled and hid in Charlie's neck.

Charlie melted into Nick's arms, feeling safe again. "You were so jealous." He teased. Nick chuckled in amusement and kissed Charlie's forehead, "Yes I was." He agreed. "I don't want anyone else flirting with my boyfriend."

Charlie blushed and hid in Nick's shoulder. "I'm glad you're here. I missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too." Nick rubbed Charlie's hip gently. "Do you want to dance?" He hummed.

"Yes." Charlie smiled and followed Nick out to the dance floor. Yes, he wasn't big on parties but he'd do anything to spend time with Nick.

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