Long Distance

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A/N: I haven't written in first pov in a long time, so sorry if it's a bad chapter! It'll be long I hope you enjoy!

Charlie's pov:

Im trying hard to keep it together. I'm trying to be a good boyfriend for Nick, while he is adjusting to university life.

But it's harder then I realized. Yes, people warned me that long distance relationships don't last. Tao and Elle even broke up over the summer. I didn't handle that news well. I drank too much at a party, Nick and I got into a bad fight. we managed to get over it and stayed together though. Like we always do.

I'm hoping that's how it will go during Long Distance.

Nick has been offline a lot more then usual. We wanted to talk everyday, facetime every night that we could. Part of me knew that wouldn't last. Nick didn't realize how much work Uni is going to be just to pass.

We haven't talked in 4 days. Not to be dramatic, but I feel like my world is falling apart without seeing Nick everyday.

Okay, that's dramatic.

I walked downstairs after spending the morning in my room to get breakfast.

My eating disorder has gotten a little better over the past couple months with therapy and after I went to the physic ward; Geoff, my therapist, is a big help. I'm able to eat full meals without a problem.

The only thing I'm having trouble with is snacks. Geoff is trying to challenge me to eat a snack during the day, I always forget. Maybe on purpose.

"Why's your face like that?" Tori asked. She was eating a bowl of cereal.

Tori always asks me that whenever she notices that something is off. 

It was 1pm on a Saturday, I guess we both have the same plans to chill, do nothing. We were both still in our pjs.

"Nick has been busy lately, we haven't talked as much as we planned to. Im trying not to be a needy boyfriend." I ramble out as I pour myself a bowl of Cheerios.

"Ohhh." Tori nodded. "Long distance troubles?" She teased. Tori is my favorite person to talk to about my problems. She always knows how to cheer me up.

Tori is the best sister.

"I guess." I shrugged and grabbed the milk to pour in next. People who pour milk first before their cereal are insane if you ask me.

"I know Nick's busy trying to adjust to university. So I'm not going to bother him." I take a bite.

"Try not to overthink it." Tori said softly.

Oh Tori knows me so well, I overthink everything.

"I wont." I assure with forced smile.

I barley got any sleep last night, my eye bags are gross looking. At this point.

My sleeping schedule isn't the best. Melatonin is my best friend at the moment.

"Want to hang out with me and Micheal today?" Tori asked, to include me in her plans.

Which I'm grateful for; I don't trust myself alone today. I think Tori could tell.

"Micheal wont mind will he?" I wiggle my eyebrows teasingly.

Tori hadn't confirmed that she and micheal were dating yet. But they hang out just as much as me and Nick did. They would make a cute couple.

"No." Tori said.

I nod in response and walk upstairs to force myself to get ready for the day.

My phone buzzed, the first notification I've gotten in over 24 hours. I excitedly tap on the iMessage, hoping it is Nick.

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