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Char: Hi, babe! Still, doing our call tonight? 😘❤️

Charlie stared at his laptop, tapping his foot anxiously. Nick was over an hour late to their FaceTime call that they did every Sunday at 8 pm.

It was now 9 pm, and he was trying hard not to overthink as he did for everything else. Maybe Nick went to bed early or was doing homework due on Monday?

Charlie waited an hour to ask about the call, so he didn't seem obsessive. It was the only thing keeping him going during the week. It was something to look forward to when Charlie missed Nick to the point he felt like breaking down.

Is he being too dramatic? Did Nick not miss him as much?

Once his phone dinged, he excitedly grabbed it. His face fell as if it wasn't the reply he was expecting.

Nicky❤️: I'm at the bar w/ the rugby gang can't call! x

Charlie took a deep breath, trying to remind himself that it was okay for Nick to have plans. Of course, Nick wasn't waiting on his phone for him to call like he was. University was a time to go out and have fun with friends, not to stay in a dorm on the phone. It's okay. It's really fine. Charlie was fine. It's okay. It's just one FaceTime call. They can do it later instead.

Char: can we do the call after? I miss you!

Nicky❤️: I can't do this right now. Talk later

What does Nick mean he can't do this right now? Did Nick not want to talk to him?

Tears whelmed in Charlie's eyes. He set his phone down, so he didn't look at the text upsetting him any longer.

Maybe the young teenager overreacted to this text, but he had a bad week. He couldn't help it. On Monday, his mom decided to get on his case about what college he would attend and got upset as he brought up applying to Leeds, where Nick was. Tuesday, he forgot his drum music for the band and messed up the rehearsal for everyone.

His depression has gotten to the point where if one little thing goes wrong, it throws off his whole week. And now Nick didn't want to call.

Charlie rubbed his face roughly and looked up at the poster his therapist Geoff had given him hanging over his desk. It read off a list of coping mechanisms he can do if he's feeling urges or a breakdown coming. He read over the list, and one of the options stuck out to him, exercise.

Charlie left his phone on his desk as he dressed in his running clothes before walking downstairs.

It was summer, so he didn't have to worry about it being cold. It was dark, but the street lamps lit up the path.

"Charlie, where are you going this late?" Jane asked. She sat next to Julio with Oliver on her lap, watching one of Oliver's favorite cartoons. Tori was upstairs in her room, on her laptop as usual.

"I'm going to go for a run." Charlie tried to walk out the door but sighed as Jane began to disagree.

"Why on earth would you want to go on a run at 9:15 pm? It's too late." Jane scolded.

Julio looked at his son and noticed how off he seemed. He remembered how one of Geoff's recommendations for coping mechanisms was exercise. That's why Charlie wanted to go running this late. He wished his wife would think this through instead of beginning to yell right away.

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