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Thank you so much for this request! Heartstopperpage22
A/N: I'm thinking this takes place while Charlie is being bullied, right before season 1.
TW: homophobia,

Charlie was 14 now, about to start a new form group, and was hoping for a fresh start. Charlie had a bad day at school, as he does every day. Ever since he got out when he was 13, he's been only having bad days. His mom gave him the suggestion to go for a walk since, "Exercise helps with depression." he said yes, just to get out of the house and away from her if he was being honest. It didn't even have to be a long walk, and maybe fresh air would be nice after being trapped in a school building all day.

Charlie's mind was loud with anxiety as he made his way down the path. He was so concentrated to quiet his thoughts down that he didn't notice that someone was following him. He turned the corner, about to arrive at the gas station nearby his house to get a drink. That's when he began to hear the footsteps of someone behind him, getting closer.

"This can't be happening, shit."

Charlie thought to himself as he looked around for a way to get out of this situation. He should've just let his dad come along so he would be safer that way.

How dumb was he?

Why was walking alone at night a good idea to him in the first place? God dammit. Worry bubbled up inside him as he started to pick up his pace, not daring to look back at the possible stranger behind him.

"Charlie Spring!" A familiar voice called behind him. Charlie froze like a deer in headlights. He knew that voice anywhere, it haunted his nightmares even.

It was Luke, with his group of mates Justin and Jake who all loved to pick on him during the school day.
More like harassing and bullying him...He had never encountered them out of school until now.

Charlie was terrified.

"Leave me alone please." Charlie managed to say through nerves and tried to speed up, but yelped as his arm was grabbed and he got yanked back.

"Aren't you happy to see us outside of school?!" Luke hummed and glanced at his buddies who snickered.

"I'm not." Charlie huffed in annoyance and pulled his arm away. "Leave me alone I'm just trying to have a nice walk."

Justin laughed at that causing Charlie's face to go pale, he knew this wouldn't end well.

"You don't deserve a nice walk because your gay." Jake scuffed and tripped Charlie causing him to stumble to the ground.

Charlie winced in pain as he managed to catch himself but the palm of his hands got scraped up in the process. Why did this kind of shit happen to him?

"HEY!" A loud voice echoed from behind them causing Jake, Justin, and Luke to stop. A dog barked as the voice got closer. Charlie looked up as a guy about a year older than him walked over, he was walking a beautiful border collie that growled at Jake, Justin, and Luke.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?" The teenager asked, he had ginger hair and big soft eyes.

Charlie didn't know him but fuck was very relieved to see him. "You alright?" He asked Charlie who was still on the floor. Charlie sat up and nodded, he was still trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Oh come on! Nick, we were just messing around with him." Luke rambled. Nick. Why does that name sound so familiar? Charlie thought to himself as he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Get away from him now or I'll tell Coach Singh," Nick ordered his teammates in annoyance. He didn't understand why they found picking on someone fun.

"God you're so stuck-up," Luke murmured but the three of them rushed off as Nellie began to bark louder at them.

Nick turned to Charlie, his stern expression changed to soft when he looked at him. "I'm so sorry about them, I've seen them picking on you at school too and I should've said something then as well." Nick rambled to Charlie, fiddling with Nellie's lease.

Nellie went up to Charlie, wagging her tail as Charlie reached down to pet her, unsure since he wasn't used to dogs. But he smiled as Nellie licked his hand in return.

"I don't get why you're apologizing if you weren't the one picking on me. You stopped them, so I should thank you." Charlie rambled shyly, Nick smiled with a nod.

"It's no problem. If they EVER say something to you again come to me." Nick assured.

Charlie blushed and stopped petting Nellie as he checked the time. "I will. I got to get home I'm almost past curfew." He explained.

"Okay." Nick pouted, "Where do you live? Why don't I walk you home?" He offered, not wanting anything else to happen to Charlie.
Charlie was as red as a tomato at this point. A hot attractive athlete wants to walk him home. "Yeah okay," he agreed, trying to play it cool and not show his excitement.

Charlie gave Nick his address as they began to walk again, and jumped in surprise as Nick let out a surprise noise.

"Sorry!" Nick chuckled, "I'm just shocked since I live literally down the road from that address." He explained.

"What a coincidence," Charlie chuckled, he was amused at Nick's reaction. "I'm surprised we haven't run into each other yet."

"Yeah, me too." Nick agreed as they walked side by side. They soon fell into a comfortable silence as they made their way to Charlie's house. Charlie couldn't help but glance over at Nick, how was he so attractive AND nice?

That is so rare to find in an all-boys school, he must be dreaming.

"Uhm, This is my house," Charlie explained why he stopped as they approached his driveway. Charlie could have sworn Nick pouted in disappointment but that could've been just his imagination. It had to have been, why would Nick choose to hang out with him?

Nick gave Charlie one of his comforting smiles. "It was nice to meet you, Charlie, I will see you at school." He said before gently tugging Nellie's lease and they began to walk in the other direction

"Okay wow," A familiar voice  startled Charlie out of his daydream. "Who was that?"

Charlie jumped in surprise and turned to his older sister, who always somehow managed to sneak up on him.

"That was Nick he just walked me home after-" Charlie was about to say but stopped himself, really not wanting to get a protective lecture from Tori.

"After what?" Tori pressed, she always knew when something was up with Charlie. "After we ran into each other at the gas station and decided to walk together." Charlie rambled out.

Tori sighed, deciding to let it go for now. "Fine. He's super cute though." She teased with a smirk, knowing he had a crush on him.

"Shut up!" Charlie whined.

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