Red Flags

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TW: Ben (a.k.a🤮) assault

Ben: music room?

Charlie: ok

Charlie didn't want to admit it, but he was tired of these meetups. The meetups with Ben were fun initially, but he wanted something more.

The young teenager wanted a relationship. One where you go on dates, snuggle, go to each other's houses and hang out, being around others to hold hands. He didn't want to be in secret. Charlie knew he shouldn't complain since Ben was one of the hottest and most popular guys in school, and he wanted to kiss HIM.

"Well, hey you." Ben hummed as Charlie walked in. Charlie shut the library door behind him so nobody saw them together. It stung every time he did so.

"Hey." Charlie managed to smile as he set down his bag. He turned to Ben and blushed as Ben's hands made their way to his waist. At least that made him feel wanted, the way Ben held him.

"Kiss me." Ben held Charlie's hips as they leaned up against the wall. Charlie sighed a bit and did as Ben wanted.

They ended up making out; no surprise there. It happened so often now that Charlie's lips got bruised by the end of each session. He never thought he would be tired of kissing, yet he was.

About ten minutes had passed Charlie had to pull away to breathe. Ben smirked at that as if he enjoyed Charlie being uncomfortable.

"So I was thinking." Charlie fiddled with Ben's shirt to get his attention, "Maybe you could come over? Nobody's going to be home-" he tried.

"Are you that dumb?" Ben snorted. Charlie's face fell at Ben's reaction.

"Nobody's going to be home though, so I thought-" Charlie squeaked as Ben shoved him away. He fiddled with his sleeves anxiously.

"They could come home and see us having sex or some shit. You're a dumbass." Ben huffed. Charlie didn't want to have sex. He was hoping they could watch a movie or snuggle.

Charlie had teary eyes at this point. He was dumb; that was a dumb question to ask. How could he be so stupid?

"I'm sorry.."

"Well." Ben rubbed Charlie's lower hip. Charlie tried not to tense, "you could make it up to me." He tried to reach down to Charlie's boxers.

"No!" Charlie squeaked out in a panic, causing Ben to step closer. "No, I don't want to!"

Ben rolled his eyes and tried to reach down anyways. Okay, that was enough. Charlie said no, and Ben was still going to anyway. He needed to get out of there and stop seeing Ben.

This is a major red flag.

Charlie managed to step away from Ben when the library door opened.

Ben panicked and acted like he didn't know Charlie was there as someone walked up to them.

"Hi!" Nick chirped. "I need to get a book for my history class. I'm so glad you're here, char! I know you're good with books, so can you help me?" He begged.

Charlie let out a soft chuckle and wiped his eyes quickly, hoping Nick didn't notice.

He noticed Ben's jaw clenched, jealous when Nick called him to chat. Another red flag. What is the big deal?

"Yes." Charlie nodded and followed Nick toward the history section of the library. He wanted to get far away from Ben as possible.

"I didn't need help finding a book." Nick blurted out.

Charlie looked at Nick in confusion. "Then why did-"

"I saw you and Ben," Nick said.

Charlie's face went pale with panic. Ben will be so mad at him, he wanted to keep them a secret, and Nick saw them.

"What-" Charlie tried to play dumb. Nick had big worried eyes. He grabbed Charlie's hand to get his attention. It did; Nick Nelson was holding his hand.

"I know it wasn't cool to watch your conversation like that. But you seemed so uncomfortable when Ben was touching you. I wanted to make sure that nothing was going to happen without your consent. Since you clearly said no and Ben was-" Nick rambled on.

Charlie piled his head into his hands. "This is embarrassing." He had tears in his eyes.

Nick pulled Charlie into a hug to ensure he shouldn't be embarrassed.

Charlie squeaked in surprise but hugged back and rested his head on Nick's shoulder. He needed comfort.

"I know it's not my place to say, but you shouldn't hang out with Ben anymore. He's a dickhead." Nick huffed.

Charlie giggled and nodded in agreement. "After what he did today, I don't want to."

"If Ben gives you any more trouble, I'll chop his dick off," Nick said to make Charlie laugh. He smiled in relief as Charlie did.

"My knight in shining armor." Charlie joked along.

Nick smiled and wrapped an arm around Charlie.
In a "friendly" way, he told himself. Nothing else. Right?

"Let's get to class, yeah?" Nick suggested as the bell rang.

Charlie nodded and followed Nick out of the library. He was relieved Nick was there. He didn't want to think of what could happen if he never showed up like that. Charlie wasn't going to go near Ben again.

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