Engaged pt.2

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A/N: I'm sorry you guys have waited this long for a part two! I honestly forgot about it 😅 but thanks for the reminder!

'I was thinking we could have a date tonight. I want to take you to the beach we had our first date :)' Nick sent excitedly.

Charlie smiled at his phone as he got the message. Holy crap, was Nick going to propose to him tonight? He was giving Charlie a bunch of small hints this week.

'Yes! Of course! Can't wait :)'

That was the fasted Charlie had ever driven home. He took a shower to get rid of the coffee smell that stained him after working at a cafe all day and blew dry his hair. He got dressed in dark jeans and a button-up, not too dressy but not too casual. God, did he look okay?

Charlie stared at himself in the mirror. It's crazy to him that someone like Nick would want to spend the rest of his life with someone like him.

The gay nerd with mental health issues ends up being with the rugby king. That thought made Charlie laugh to himself as he paced the bedroom, anxiously waiting for Nick to come home.

Why else would Nick want to talk to his parents without him? If he was wrong about this he would be so embarrassed.

"Babe! I'm home!" Nick's voice echoed throughout the apartment as the sound of the front door shut.

Charlie ran downstairs and smiled at his boyfriend, hopefully, soon-to-be fiancé. "Hi." Charlie managed to say through the adrenaline of nerves.

"Hi." Nick chuckled and set down his keys on the table. "I'm going to get dressed then shall we get going?" He hummed.

Charlie nodded and watched Nick rush upstairs. Something was sticking out of his pocket, boxed shaped...could that be a ring? Was this going to happen tonight?

Charlie had to mentally prepare himself so he didn't sob like a baby when it did happen. He probably was going to anyway. He sat on the living room couch, taking deep breaths to calm his nerves as Nick walked downstairs. Nick smiled fondly at Charlie, "You okay?" He wondered.

Nick was wearing a white button-up shirt and dark dress pants. He looked so beautiful and handsome like always. "Yes," Charlie assured and kissed Nick to confirm his response. Nick kissed back with a hum, "We'll come on let's go."

On the car ride there, it was a comfortable silence. Nick had his hand on Nick's thy as they both sang along to whatever song was on the radio. Charlie made a note to himself of the song, 'Golden Hour' by JVKE so that they could play it at their wedding.

When Nick parked the car at the beach they had their first date, Herne Bay. It was one of Charlie's favorite places.

The young couple walked hand in hand to the beach, Charlie felt Nick take a deep breathe as if he was preparing himself for something.

"Did you think when we went on the date, three years ago we would still be together?" Nick asked in curiosity as they neared the board walk. Charlie had to think about it.

"I mean, I sure hoped so." Charlie decided on saying, feeling himself blush as Nick nodded in assurance.

"We should definitely take pictures at sunset." Charlie chirped as he looked over at the waves, while Nick set up the picnic blanket.

This moment was so perfect, the scene was like out of a romantic movie. They sat down at the blanket, Nick grabbed the picnic basket he packed that morning with their favorite foods and offered some to Charlie. He smiled in delight as Charlie took the food without hesitation.

"I'm so proud of you." Nick began as he admired Charlie. Charlie looked up, surprised at the sudden compliment and smiled softly.

"You're just saying that." Charlie teased as he ate a chocolate covered strawberry. He watched as Nick gently took his hand.

"I'm not just saying that. I really mean it, char. You are the strongest person I know. You've been through so much yet you are still here, smiling and holding my hand." Nick began his long speech to end with the proposal.

Okay, he's really doing this now. It seemed like the perfect moment.

"You don't know how much you mean to me," Nick continued, causing Charlie to squeeze Nick's hand in return. "After everything we've been through as a couple, I knew that we would be able to last forever. No matter who said we couldn't, we proved them wrong." He took a deep breath, trying hard not to get emotional. "I don't know what I'd do without you. And I want to be with you forever...so...."

Nick sat up and got down on one knee, grabbing out the ring shaped box. "Will you marry me?"

Charlie froze and had big teary eyes, from sadness for once, from happiness. He was going to be with Nick for the rest of his life and this moment proved it. His dreams were coming true.

"YES!" Charlie squealed and tackled Nick into a hug, causing the couple to collapse onto the sand. Nick laughed in relief and kissed Charlie deeply as he slid the ring on his finger, it fit. Hearing Charlie say yes took a weight off of Nick's shoulders. Jane's reaction made him so nervous.

"I love you so much." Nick clung onto Charlie as if he could disappear at any moment when they laid in the sand.

Charlie sniffled, trying hard not to cry, "I love you too."

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